
Who will win the presidency? What are the reasons? When will we see a difference?

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Where will we be in 2 years time? Why will this be good or bad? and How will it effect your life?

Yahoo Answers said in order to get a thorough answer ask a who, what, when, where, why, how question so that is my question and I expect thorough answers.




  1. Expecting and getting is 2 different things!

    If America is smart they will elect Obama or we will be looking at the end of the America we love. As to how long it will take to recover from the Bush admin, more then 1 election cycle that's for sure. We need to get the corporations under control and bring this country back to it's standing with the world community.

  2. Obama, because he will bring real change, and we won't have four more years of repubs only liking rich people

  3. Obama is going to win.  McCain is on the defensive and the Republicans are on the defensive.  Republicans have 8 really bad years that have placed them were they are and no amount of saying "Obama knows a former Weatherman" (Ayers), "Obama be Muslim" (from our Southern Christian Folk), or "Reagan was awesome" (Which is a dammed lie, he is part to blame for the current state of this country) is going to stop the Democrats in 08.

    But I will tell you this, the Democrats are not going to do a better job with their 8 years either.

    And in 2 years we will still be on a gradual decline no matter who is president.



  6. mccain will win the presidency.  it will not be so much because of his strengths, but because of obama's weaknesses.

    i believe a mccain presidency will not significantly change things, we will retain a strong military stance, which is needed, but we will also be spending alot of money on liberal based programs,  mccain will throw some surprises into the ring, he is a maverick, some will be exceptional, some will be idiotic, overall it will be a good presidency.  if palin makes it to vice president, (wouldn't surprise me for her to be replaced along the way), she will be amazing and may just pave way for palin/ unique would that be?  there will not be a huge difference, so we won't really see it, it will be a continuation of bush policies, which i think is just what we need.  

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