
Who will win the wwe championship scramble (give details)?

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witch ever one makes my laugh or was the most thought out gets ten points.

also where do you sign up for X-WAY




  1. the wwe i would love to see jeff win the title for he is over due for one but it would be cool to see THE brian kendrick win it because he would go from jobber to wwe champion

  2. The rules :WWE has put the rules of the Championship Scramble on his website, under the Unforgiven page for those who would have missed it. CM Punk has to defend his title in this Championship Scramble or 5 Men Scramble match (as it was called before Adamle announced it as Championship Scramble). 20 minutes, 5 superstars, 1 title is the synopsis for this match. For those who need more information, Punk, JBL, Batista, Cena and Kane will fight over the title for 20 minutes. Punk and a random challenger will start the match. Then, another superstar comes into the match every 5 minutes. In the 20 minutes the match lasts, if one man scores a pinfall or submission, he becomes the temporary champion. This is only for the match's sake, and will not be put on his palmares or anything. If another man then makes a pinfall or submission, he will become the temporary champion, and so on. When the 20 minutes are up, the man who had the last pinfall or submission, will change his status of temporary champion for that of the real World Heavyweight Champion.


    JBL and kane starts the match...kane gives JBL his uppercuits...JBL starts punching back...And after 4 mins kane gives a chokslam to JBL...Kane bcomes the temporary champ...g*y cena comes to the Ring...Cena Starts using his 5 crappy wrestling moves....Cena Give JBL a 5 g*y Shuffle Buckle...aND tHEN he fu's Kane....Cena bcoms the temporary champion...Batista come to the ring...give cena a spear..spine buster to Kane....Batista tries a batista bomb on Kane...JBL hits batista from behind and gives him a clothsline From h**l....JBL bcomes the New champion...CM Punk enters the ring...Gives JBL a head kick...Gives him a GTS...pUNK BECOMES the temporary champion...Batista gets up and spear's Punk down...Batista the temporary champ..Cena Gets up and FU'S Batista....20mins Over..the g*y cena Era has Begun...Cena is the New World Champion....

  3. For the heavyweight. John Cena. For the WWE Jeff Hardy.

  4. triple HHH  retains then lights go out lightning strikes and undertaker wins!!!

  5. ummm its heavyweight scramble and i think either kane or cm punk is winning yeah to bad about rey..hey at least it wasn't drugs in Kane's bag

  6. John Cena hopefully, he hasn't won at a PPV in a while :S

  7. I would love for it to be CM Punk.

    But my heart tells me that it won't be. It will be a good time to take the title off Punk as a loss in this kind of match won't hurt his character as he does not need to be pinned in order to lose it.

    I don't see JBL taking the title as, lets face it, JBL can't win anything of any substance on RAW.

    I would like to see Kane do it as I think he has been long overdue a title run (no I dont count the ECW title as a 'worthy' title).

    But the person I see winning the match is John Cena, as we all know the title has been off Cena for almost FIVE minutes and I'm sure Vince is itching to put 'God' Cena back on top.

    I nmy heart, I want Punk to retain as I beleive that will legitimize him as a worth champ, but I know it will go to Cena.  

  8. batista he is a dominant wrestler and they'll probably have a storyline between him and cena

  9. world title scramble not wwe title don't know who will win but if the title changes more the twice the belt will lose almost all prestige

  10. jeff

    X-way is dead kid

    user were upset

  11. I personally think that this "championship scramble" is some stupid *** excuse for a match, it sounds like some stupid **** Vince Russo thought of, but I want Shelton Benjamin to win. Shelton is the best WRESTLER in the WWE today, and has been for a very long time. He is technically sound, a great high-flyer, and has been deserving a push since he went to Raw in 2004. Shelton is his generation's version of Kurt Angle, and if anybody in that chamber deserves to win, it is him. But, I know he wont. The person who will win, most likely, is Triple H. His reign hasn't been too long, and he really hasn't been in any important feuds since winning the title, so he will probably keep it for a bit longer.

  12. WHC- Cena will be knocked out and then Batista will die from a sledgehammer to the head. Then Kane will take his hook and take out Cena's eyes. Then CM Punk and Kane will take out JBL and take turns pining JBL until the time runs out and Punk wins.

    WWE- Kendrick is found in the back before the match and is knocked out. There is a mini sledgehammer right next to him. The match starts and Hardy and Triple H each take a sledgehammer out from under the ring and take out MVP and Shelton Benjamin. Then Hardy and Triple H battle for the title. Triple H takes out another sledgehammer and swings at Hardy, but Hardy ducks and he hits the ref. When the ref gets back up he calls it a no contest and the title is stripped from Triple H and then Super Crazy wins the title the same night then loses it to the returning Gregory Helms.

  13. Go Jeff!

  14. You my lord.

    Now- The points please!!

  15. wwe championship scramble: should be runjin singh after he betrays the khali (i refuse to write "great") and becomes SHOOTER SINGH, a gimmick that lets him play a smooth talking Indian cowboy, now that's worth $40 bucks a PPV

    but in all seriousness, MVP deserves it more than Hardy, Benjamin, and Kendrick...the guy spent 10 years in jail, is absolute money on the mic, is an above-average wrestler who constantly is improving, has heel heat up the wazoo (yes, THAT wazoo), and has dominated the midcard on SD! for the last however many years he has been on since he's a longshot, but I'm an MVP mark

    HHH will win, but I really do think he isn't afraid to put these other guys over, just not yet....after all Kendrick is one of HBK's (HHH's best friend btw) star pupils from his wrestling academy....HHH has lost to Hardy, although Hardy got his *** kicked and won on a rollup I believe...but that could be a WM 25 match, where HHH continues his trend of putting over new guys in WM main event (Batista, Cena, Orton, etc.) for Shelton, idk, nobody in the back seems to give him what his talent merits...he's great in the ring, but he lacks that "it factor" imo

    As for the RAW scramble, I say it's either Cena or CM Punk...all I want is a long drawn out Jericho/Punk those two are PERFECT compliments in the ring....but Super Cena, amazingly, hasnt had the strap in almost a thats coming by WM, either at Unforgiven or at Survivor Series (my personal prediction)...if Punk wins this in any manor other than a Rey-Mysterio-*****-that-gets-his-***-kic... fasion, then I cant see how anyone says he isnt a credible champ...btw one last thing, am I the only one that noticed that Jericho DID NOT WIN CLEANLY OVER PUNK, Punk had the win until Cade interfered...I dont understand why everyone is bashing them for that, when its just the fault of the announcers for being **** and not getting that across effectively


  16. If you sign up for X-WAY then you are against me.

    If you sign up for Z-WAY then you are my allie.

    If you do niether then I will treat you normal.

    SMACKDOWN WWE title scramble: Triple H(C), Jeff Hardy, Brian Kendrick, Shelton Benjamin, MVP.

    (I hope Jeff Hardy wins cause he derserves it after how long he has been with the WWE)

    Sorry I am no SmackDown fan.

  17. can only get a X ray if hurt yourself or got a butt whupping one


  18. HHH which is the strongest one.

  19. jeff hardy

    the world heavyweight championship will be won by jbl after he interfers

    it was decided after he won the championship of world's fatest man

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