
Who will you choose as the "last man standing"?

by Guest62418  |  earlier

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Say that youre an organ donor.

Between these two, to whom will you donate your organ?

A. A child from a poor family. singled mother.

B. A rich jerk that promise you he can pay lot of money.

They really need that organ, else, they gonna die.




  1. i would choose A, honestly.

  2. A - I have a heart... and he can have it.

  3. And one for the little boy who lives down the lane :))

  4. The child. No matter how poor or rich they are children are going to live longer. And what good would the money do me if I was dead?

    oragan donors are people that instead of either cremation, or burial they say that doctors can use there oragans...

    The child. Final answer.

  5. absolutely my vote to not everything.

    b.....can choose others people selagi money on the hand!

  6. C

  7. what kind of organ? hmmm?

  8. ..of coz A,,,hoping tat he or she will not grow up to be B....

  9. How about B... and give 99% of the money to A?

    to A - Donate my organ

    to B - Sell my organ

    Well the question is whether I'd donate or sell. Now please ask me again

  10. Oh... that' hard. But if I choose B it's not called donating, it's selling cause I get paid for it. Anyway I'd still choose A. Rich guys gotta know that money isn't everything and it can't buy you everything.  

  11. Interesting question:

    Answer: A

  12. Technicality, I am not sure if I am able to choose...

    Because as an organ donor, I will make this important pledge to donate my organ and declare to both my family and the hospital accordingly...  I am really sure that all those who are in the long waiting list deserved a second chance in their life, with their high hopes of an organ transplant :)

    Rest assure with the law and order, no jerks can 'buy' me of my organ....  Unless.... maybe in India whereby it is already happening...  Those jerks who deceit the poor to 'buy' them of their organ and in return, pay them peanuts...


  13. It is obvious that almost everyone will choose A. unless someone is "selling" his/her organs. This choice is only available if you are alive.

    But if you are dead, you are not gonna be able to sit up and protest about a jerk getting your organs.

    Perhaps bad politicians need a brain transplant more than anyone. Hehehe..

  14. A.

  15. Hmm...first come first serve, I think..doesn't matter they're rich or poor...All deserve to live.

  16. im not a hypocrite.. i'll choose B..

    even if i got lot of moneys,

    hey, im still gonna need his money..

    just in case..

    who know, might get complication..

    PEACE =D

  17. must be A,if the A die d,i also won't donate to B!

  18. with money, u can help many. with that organ i can save only one. so, help the rich, take the money and use the money to help the poor...

  19. A of coz...

  20. i choose A, because the poor deserve to live too. The rich can get his donor easily

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