
Who will you get more satisfaction from seeing get slapped silly in November, Sheehan or Franken?

by Guest60677  |  earlier

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You have more than just a few screws loose if you think this pair stands a chance.




  1. Like Ford Perfect, I also live in Minnesota (St. Paul's west side). I never voted Republican in my life, always Dem' and 3rd parties. Well, now the "Democrits" havereally pissed me off. They selected Obama, a guy with no expieriance who has no solutions, only points out what he percieves is wrong. They select Sheehan, a woman with no expieriance who has no solutions, only points out what she percieves is wrong. And Franken, a guy with no expieriance who has no solutions, only points out what he percieves is wrong. What is wrong with the "Democan'ts"? All they have is "If you vote Republican you are voting for Bush" type c**p. Exsqueeze me? I though Bush wasn't even running for office, what does he have to do with anything? Abortion is not cool, g*y marriage is not cool, letting Muslum extremists attack us with no response is not cool. I didn't like the idea of going to Iraq, but now I do. The fight is there now. The liberals call it another Vietnam, I agree it could be ... if we turn tail and run away.

  2. Franken is in a tight race.  I don't think Sheehan has a chance at all.

  3. flip a coin. i can't stand either one. both are far left nutjobs.

  4. Franken.  his snobbishness really gets on my nerves.

  5. Oh man, you get a star for this question because I can't make up my mind who I hate more.

  6. Sheehan, she is a disgrace to her son's name.

  7. Not for nothing you and I know this is the year we both see the destruction of the Demoncratic party as we both know it!

  8. It's too bad Sheehan will never see her son even in the afterlife as they are going to different places. Why can't our gov't deport her to any country willing to take her, maybe North Korea,  and in her place open up one more slot for a deserving immigrant who will love this country?

  9. Coleman is a twisted Right wing freak and I will vote for Franken...I'm in the Minnesota district of the Franken/Coleman match up....and can assure you many Minnesotans are voting for Franken and believe as I do....Coleman is dead meat

  10. Al Franken (aka, Stuart Smalley).........he's crazier than Sheehan and has not sacrificed a son in Iraq.  He's a total twit!!

  11. Franken. Sheehan, while disturbed, has to deal with the loss of a son, who volunteered.

  12. I'm a independent who leans left but Franken.  I hate him.

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