
Who wins best mma beard?

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i say it's between evan tanner and kimbo slice. as pointed out on the tuf finale




  1. Tanners covers his whole face. I would not of even know it was hi if no body told me. Now thats a beard!

  2. Depends if you are going with best looks or which one can soften a punch the most haha. I like Evan Tanners, but for padding Kimbo's is solid.  I dont think it makes that much of a difference, but I did Tae Kwon Do and had a full beard and it made taking a kick or punch a little bit easier. Not much , but it does help. You cant deny it.

  3. Got to be Tanner's. His is old school scruff.

  4. Bruce Lee

  5. They like had this vote on Evan Tanner won the contest at 65% and kimbo was like 35%. I guess most people went with tanner

  6. Evan Tanner because he has the voice to go with the beard.

  7. not sure the best beard kimbo does have a huge beard the only difference between the 2 is kimbo has a nice beard tanner has a nice beard and talent

  8. i would like to throw a different name in there and say spencer "the king" fisher. i say he wins for having the most confusing beard. i mean, what are they? side burns that are overgrown? a beard that is missing some? what? either way it is still BA and the king pulls it off.

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