
Who wins between 90's heavy bangers Morrison and Moorer? NEITHER had great chins. BOTH considered dangerous!

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Who wins between 90's heavy bangers Morrison and Moorer? NEITHER had great chins. BOTH considered dangerous!




  1. good match i think morrison has the edge on moorer one on one, morrison is a heaverier hitter. and would take that fight, but i think moorer eventuall proved to be the better fighter.

  2. this would have been a good matchup.

    i think that moorer would beat morrison in much the same way that ray mercer did....moorer in 6 or 7 rounds.

  3. Moorer wins.  AIDS was the best thing to happen to that cracker.  it got his steroid drunk @$$ out of boxing where it did not belong to begin wit.

  4. Moorer would out box Morrison, Morrison had a good punch and a decent chin, but not a great chin.

    As for the comment that Tua rushed Moorer and Ko'ed him? man do your research, Moorer by that time (2002) was fat and hadn't won a legit fight since decisioning Evander Holyfield in 94.

    Morrison Had already lost by knockout twice to Ray Mercer in 5 rounds, and some bum in the first round before he even fought Lewis.

    I would say the Moorer of 94, Vs the Morrison of the same time would outwork and stop The Duke in the late rounds when he usually ran out of gas.

    Peter H your horribly underestimating Moorer and Giving Tommy way too much credit.

  5. I think after watching the destruction of Morrison by Ray Mercer, Moorer would have an easy time with Morrison.  Michael was a converted southpaw, his right jab was also his power shot.  When Moorer hooked off the jab, it had KO power behind it that resulted in an impressive string of KO's at the start of his career.  There is a big difference in punching power between Tua and Mercer, the comparison stacks up favorably for Moorer.  Morrison never beat the level of competition Moorer did in their respective careers.  I consider Michael Moore far superior to Tommy Morrison in just about all respects, including the chin department.

    I say Moorer wins by a clean, crisp KO, without the sloppy over abundance of needless punches Ray Mercer needed to dispose of Morrison.

  6. I think that Morrison would run over Moorer - watching Tua just bowl over Moorer is the formula.  Moorer was an excellent fighter, just not quick enough to compensate for his real inability to take a heavyweight punch.

    Morrison went toe-to-toe with Lennox Lewis for 6 rounds...if he could stand up to Lewis' shots that long, he could get to Moorer inside 4 rounds.

    To the guy below - I think Michael Moorer was one of the greatest light heavyweights of all-time, but you can't ignore the fact that basically everytime he got hit clean by a heavyweight he was badly hurt; Holyfield probably only landed one good shot against Moorer, and it put him down.  As long as Morrison was confident that he could hurt him, he would just bull his way inside and start banging; Moorer was not a devastating puncher as a heavyweight and would not be able to keep Morrison off him.  Pound for pound Michael Moorer was far superior to Morrison, but that doesn't mean he would beat him.

  7. I think Morrison would knock him out Morrison is stronger

  8. Even though we're talking about two A- list fighters here, this is an intriguing matchup.

    Have to go with The Duke, for one reason and one reason alone, he started at heavyweight and Moorer started at 175.

    Moorer's power at 175 was frightening, but when he moved up to the big boys it was less of a factor.

    Morrison's questionable chin would probably have been able to withstand whatever Moorer threw his way, but we all saw what happened when Moorer got in with David Tua.

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