
Who wins roy jones vs. ray robinson at middleweight?

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prime, middleweight roy jones vs. a slightly past prime middleweight ray robinson




  1. Roy was bigger, stronger, and faster.  Ray Robinson was a complete fighter, excellent power, everything....but like James Toney learned, when you're in against a guy who is quick as lightening and hits with real power, being skilled and slick don't mean all that much.  If Roy could shut out James Toney he could take a decision from Ray Robinson.

  2. Its hard to imagine anyone outboxing either man.  Being realistic, and I've watched fights of both hundreds of times,  it's a fact that Roy is a bit faster.  Upon appearance it would seem that he also has an edge in power.  However, his power was at it's best at 168.  

    When you talk of athletes of this calaiber a few pounds could make a big difference.  The point is that Roy was the fastestest 160 ever but his power was more evident at 168 where he didn't sacrafice any speed.  That was his best weight.  

    Roy didn't have "chin" problems until AFTER the Rise and Fall in weight from Ruiz to his return at 175.  From that point there was a BIG drop in his performance level.  Still the edge must go to Robinson in this category and that is where the difference would be.  

    Roy was never known for taking chances.  If he had ANY weaknesses at all it was in his lack of a killer instinct, tho Montell Griffith might beg to differ (if his head is clear from the bouncy-ball syndrome he suffered).    

    Roy would out speed and out score Ray in the early going, taking the first 2 rounds.   Robinson never gave up much to any opponent and there would be no exception here.  Ray was taking the punches of middleweights on a regular basis long before he moved up.  He routinely gave 10 pounds, +- a few, in many of his fights.  

    Robinson would soon learn that he has to take the fight to Roy and force him.  Roy fought well on the inside but 160 was not his best weight for strength.  Here is where Robinson would make the difference.  Roy has rarely been put on the defensive.  Whenever he was he didn't like it but he had the speed, strength and talent to get out of it.

    Robinson would learn that its here where he would want to keep Roy.  Both can move well on their feet, better than all other middleweights.  Roy would want to keep things outside.  Robinson would not allow that.

    During the middle rounds Robinson would score a knockdown.  Roy rises unhurt but is now cautious.  Robinson sees this and presses the action.  

    The later rounds are near even because Roy choses not to mix it up.  Robinson's lead in the early rounds and the knockdown makes the difference.

    Robinson by close decision

  3. It is amazing to me to think that people believe that Jones Jr. would knock out Sugar Ray Robinson as one answerer suggested.  In 200 career fights, Ray Robinson was never knocked out.  He lost a fight that he was winning in the 14th round for the light heavyweight championship against Maxim because of the 120 degree heat in the ring that night.  And some suggest that Jones Jr. has faster hands than Ray Robinson which I do not believe for a minute!  At best they are perhaps even as Robinson had blazing fast hands.  The only area Jones Jr may have an edge is his great reflexes and ability to avoid punches.  Sugar Ray Robinson had all the tools in the ring, great boxing ability, toughness, power and ring generalship.  You see this is no knock on Jones Jr who no doubt would not be an easy test even for Robinson, but he would have lost.  My pick here is Robinson by unanimous decision as his overall skills would be too much for Jones Jr.

  4. roy jones, roy jones is quicker and has more stamina and he has  a lot of strength to knock ray out with a flury of combinations cuz of his quickness

  5. A slightly past his prime Ray Robinson had already participated in some of the greatest fights of all time. I rank these two pretty close on skills, but Robinson fought many more great fighters and would have had an experience edge and ring generalship that would have carried the fight--especially under the older rule of 15 rounds instead of 12 for the championship.

  6. robinson had power in both hands, good lateral movement, and a strong chin.

    he could match jones punch for punch as they both had good hand speed, but robinson would eventually catch jones jr and stop him late or take the decision

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