
Who wishes that john lennon was still alive?

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to me he was a legend




  1. How dare you ask a question not relating to the Jonas brothers or meily Cyrus here...

  2. I don't know who he was and don't really care if he's alive or not.

  3. i do if he was still alive we definetly would not be in the position we are in right now

  4. We'll I don't like the fact he's dead, but beleive me everything happens for a reason.

    Anyway, had he lived, I think he would have made sucky music, as have the rest of surviving beatles done so.

  5. If he was alive today, there might still be good music....I LOVE John Lennon and I would love for him to still be alive.

  6. To me he was a musician and a talented one nothing more, just because he was famous doesn't make him the messiah, there are lots of talented musicans many that arent even known about and many that are trying to spread the exact same message as him

    people die and i wouldnt wish that he was alive when he's dead as much as i wouldnt wish him dead if he was alive, when babies die everyday, people that havent even been given the chance to live their life, at least Lennon get's remembered something that many people don't get

    i think wishing ONE person alive based on the fact they were famous is selfish, and i wouldn't wish on anyone to die in the way he did

    and yes i love his music

  7. He was great! Him dying was a total tragedy. I totally wish he was alive.

  8. me! it makes me sooo mad when people dont even know his name, let alone his writing and singing abilites. he had raw talent. not like fake miley or jonas brothers stuff.

    he was deffinately a legend.  

  9. I do. But you have to understand that although he was unbelievably creative and incredibly talented, he was not a perfect human being.

    A biography was written about Lennon and the prologue (or foreword, or preface, I can't remember) was written by his son. The son made it sound like John was not there for him much at all when he was a child. The son was not complimentary of him at all.

    At any rate, I'm not trying to say that he wasn't a good person. It's just that you have to realize a person's music or creativity does not necessarily mean they are a good person.

  10. How could anyone that considers themselves a music lover not wish that Lennon was still alive? Whether you agree with his politics, his lifestyle, or his haircut, he was a musical talent that will endure the ages. What he could have given to the world had he been with us longer, one can only IMAGINE!

  11. i do i really love his music

  12. That would be cool... especially if the three remaining lads performed together.

  13. To be hones couldn't give a **** either way's .

    He won't make no difference to my life.

  14. He was a great loss.

    I'm a teenager but most others on here wouldn't understand.

  15. Um, he was pretty much one of the greatest artists of all time.  So yes, I wish he was alive.  I really don't wish anyone was dead.  That would be cruel.

    As as for the first response you got, I strongly disagree.

    Jeez - have some respect.

    Saying you don't care is just tactless.

  16. For 30 years Stacy BUT at least we don't have to watch him age or die slowly as with Paul or George. He lived, he found some happiness, and he died too young. Onward/Upward kiddo!

  17. He was an excellent example of what peace and love can do for the world.  Losing him was a tragedy to our country and the world.  

  18. Yes.  Very much so.

    And to Chris:  If you don't know who John Lennon is, get out of your rock.

  19. I do.

    But i do not even know who he was, was he the guy assassinated because he said his songs were better then god? Doesn't matter who it was, whoever kills people, they are the true person who needs to die.

    May be R.I.P :/

  20. Me of course.

  21. One of the greatest songwriters of all time. That would be great if he was still with us.

  22. Anybody who enjoys music, real music, not rap or that techno c**p, wishes he was still alive. Who knows what music would be like now? Possible completely different, maybe people would still be making music from the heart, not just from their bottle of Cristal or from their Bling.  

  23. I do...he sang with all his heart and sang about things we are lacking in this world (love and peace). It's a shame someone with such amazing passion and talent is gone and there are so many crappy artists like the Jonas brothers and such that are still making will never be the same again. No music now will ever compare to the music produced in the 60's and 70's....unless of course a music legend comes out with a new cd with doesn't usually happen.  

  24. Me!!!!!!!!!! HE ROCKED!!!!!!!!

  25. I imagined that if John Lennon were still alive and well today, then all of the members of The Beatles would have reunited and they would still write and record great rock hits. And since Lennon was a very liberal revolutionary, then he would supporting the Democrats and criticizing the Iraq War and the other misdeeds of the Bush Administration. He could be still writing peace songs.

  26. I do

  27. i love paul ringo john and george

  28. me my parents liked him and he had no reason 2 be killed

  29. We can only Imagine.

  30. i wouldnt say he was a legend but he was quite famous and a role model to some people

    i wouldnt mind really

  31. Not me.

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