
Who wishes that they would just reintroduce electric cars?

by  |  earlier

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As you can see not only are we polluting the Earth with these gas-powered cars but were using our natural resources to use them. I understand that what is holding up the development of Electric Vehicles is patents that are held by one of the largest oil companies, but how long till Texaco realizes that we are in an economic recession and the gas powered cars is destroying the Earth. One of the major contributors to Global Warming. I'm Sure that there's SOMETHING that can be dont to stop all the madness. Cant the president do something about it?




  1. You might, until you realise why electric cars lost out in the market in the first place.

    "I understand that what is holding up the development of Electric Vehicles is patents that are held by one of the largest oil companies,"

    Complete and utter nonsense, electric vehicles have been around for long enough that all the really important patents have long since expired.

    Patents for improved battery technology (where electric cars need improvement) are more likely to be held by a company that hopes to make money by selling the batteries or licencing the technology to others, they don't have any reason to suppress the technology.

  2. i must be taft but aren't hybrid cars ELECTRIC. They are all over the place. so why ask car makers to REindroduce them. they are here.

  3. I don't believe that this is a political Issue, what Chevron/Texaco hold it the patent on one Battery, however there are companies that are make huge inroads in the development of new battery technology.

    EEStor seems to be developing a new battery that will revolutionize the electric car industry.

    See the links below.

  4. I do, wish they reintroduced electric cars, they could start tomorrow, but they can't, and won't.

       First, they, (auto makers, oil industry, political pressure) have so much invested in internal combustion engines (ICE)

    there would be, economical collapse.

       This is why the auto makers only offer hybrid cars that use gas engines to recharge, keeping the oil industry in business.

       Have you wondered why they are pushing hydrogen? There is no account of how long it will take to mass produce the cars, and the hydrogen, to run them. the latest is 5 to 10 years.

         go here

                       Thanks, Bob

  5. they need hydrogen cars

  6. I don't

    Electric cars are just shifting the problem.  You have to get the energy from somewhere and electric cars just rely on battery stored energy.  That energy has to first be produced and then transported to the battery.  Also the battery itself takes a lot of energy to create.  So if you have a electric car that runs on a battery that you plug into the grid, and all that energy in the form of electricity is generated by a coal power plant, then you haven't accomplished much except expend a lot of energy creating a battery.   I believe the solution is to create the energy where it is used and I believe that the hydrogen combustion model addresses that need better than any other alternative.  REUSE REUSE REUSE -  why make all the petroleum combustion engines in the world obsolete when you can just reuse them as hydrogen combustion.

  7. Many companies already are.  See the link below for a summary.

  8. I disagree with Verizonx I think they really do need to reintroduce electric vehicles because they are more efficient and along with that they can use hydrogen powered electricity as an alternative resource but i do agree with you, prices everywhere are going up including GAS witch is up to like 4 dollars a gallon. It wont be long until its 6 or 7 dollars a gallon then people might even start protesting if they haven't already. I'm not sure if the president can do something about it but im sure that he would NOVEMBER 4, 2008 vote for barrack obama

  9. Your claim that oil companies are blocking the development of electric cars is false. There are plenty of electric cars on the market today.

    If you feel the need to place blame, look in the mirror.

    US consumers have always had the option to buy fuel efficiant vehicles including electric. Most did not make that choice.

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