
Who wishes they didnt even have to work?

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I mean I don't mind doing the job itself I just hate dealing with people. I have a personality that people don't understand. I am just tired of never being able to be me. Why isn't doing the job well enough.




  1. go into acting or marry a rich man whoo

  2. I understand what you mean. I would venture to say that all of us have this problem from time to time. We don't have a work ethic problem or a problem with doing a job well, working hard and completing what must in a proficient way.  But what happens sometimes are "relationship problems".  We have difficulty dealing with the personalities and work styles of others and feel like the workplace should be about work and not about socializing or personalities.  However, we live and work in the world of people and there is just no avoiding that occasional difficult human being.   Some of us try and hide, but they always find you.  Others try to keep ever interaction professional and serious with one line responses and say very little.  That makes you feel like your, "not being myself" and that is too draining.  So what is the answer?  

    Forget about being any certain way and be who you are, (within limits, If your a nudist, I wouldn't advise wearing your favorite outfit to work)  But be yourself to the degree you feel comfortable and not exhausted at the end of each day because you had to keep your armor on for 8 hours.  What I suspect you will find is that the obnoxious people are still there, but they won't bug you so much.  You may find you even come to enjoy the humor in their bizarre requests.  Continue to do your work, try and be who you are and you will simply have more energy to enjoy the monkey crew as they swing through the office trees.

  3. about 7 months ago went on a leave of absence from my job as a

    journeyman mailer i am retired now  

  4. That's why I'm earning an education so I could be in the field of my own personality and be my own boss!!!

  5. i am at a point in my life that i don't have to work.  and that's a nice feeling.  but i am trying to find a job after relocating to a new city (due to my husbands job) and i'm having difficulty.  i'd love to work to meet people.

  6. I am not working now,  I quit my job before I got fired. I liked my job to some extent (well I hated wearing a uniform as it just didn't reflect the real me and I hate looking like a set as I am an individual and no matter what I would have worn, customers would have still came to my checkout.  I hate the hypocritcy of working. I work or am looking for a job because I need money to live, I could care less about the company, why should I if they are paying me minumum wage?

    I am also very sensitive and don't like being abused which is one of the reasons my boss told me to leave. If I ever got upset or sad again, that was it for me.  Well I did get upset but only after my supervisor started giving me problems which drew me to tears because I worked my tail off in that department with perfect attendence in all the years I worked there.  One of the people that led to my demise was a boss who before she became a boss a couple months back, was always calling in sick or late.

    I am looking for a job now and I am hating all the bull I have to go through to to get a cashier job at a grocery store. Gee, why do I have to answer 100 questions and yes (although I lied on my test) I do get tired sometimes and no when I get done with my job, I wouldn't choose taking on more working rather than resting a bit.

    I was dependable, did my job well (not perfect but after all I had to do alot for minumum wage part time wages) but that wasn't enough. They wanted me to ring people at the register, while sending a fax, while running a copy job, while answering customers on the phone while bagging items.

  7. I wish I didn't have to work, but had the extra money to enjoy being home.

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