
Who won HOH in Big Brother?

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Was it Dan?




  1. Jerry out

    Keesha out

    Michelle out

    Memphis out

    Ollie out

    DAN WON!!!

    9:14pm HOH competition Dan, and Ollie Still holding on. Dan offers Ollie a deal jump off and I won’t put you up. Ollie says no way I’m going to win this one. Dan looks very uncomfortably Ollie is completely relaxed saying, “I have never gotten this close to winning HOH”. Memphis may of gotten hurt in the competition the medics are checking him.

    Dan asks Ollie how long he can go for… Ollie says 5 hours. From the sounds of things they both have a deal not to put each other up but they continue to battle it out.

    9:22pm Both guys are hurting… They agree it’s stupid to hang there and get all banged up for nothing when they can agree not to put each other up. Memphis isn’t seriously hurt.

    Both guys are boasting that they can stay on there all night neither seems willing to budge, Dan just said he could sit there for 12 hours, Ollie tells him let’s do it then.

    9:30pm Dan asks Ollie who he wants protected? Oll tells him that he wants to be protected. Dan tells him to pick 2 people and he’ll keep them safe. Ollie makes no comment. Ollie keeps raising his butt off the little seat. Dan just hanging there.

    HOH winner is ?….. ENDURANCE!!!….Next week is DOUBLE EVICTION!!!!

  2. Yes Dan has HOH!

    After Dark came on @ 11:00 here & he won around 11:38.

    It started with Dan Memphis & Ollie still swinging.Memphis went down 1st out of the 3 then Dan & Ollie starting the talks on who was gonna let go.

    Great job Dan!!

    I ♥ Big Brother!!

  3. Seems to be Dan, he was wearing a gold key around his neck in the After Dark Show and they were talking to him about how well he did and how his "windbreaker" shed water so that helped him. On a side note Ollie is sitting at the table staring at the wall with April's picture...jeshh.

  4. Dan won.  It was between Dan, Ollie and Memphis.  Memphis dropped first, then Ollie made a deal with Dan.  Dan promised Ollie that he will not put up Ollie or Michelle.  Ollie then dropped, and Dan is the new HOH.  It was a pretty quiet night on BB After Dark.

  5. Havent shown it yet.

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