
Who won The War of 1812?

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As an American I grew up thinking that the United States had won the war but after speaking with many Canadian over the years they believe that the British/Canadians won the war. The British I've encountered have generally not been taught much about the conflict because of the far more important Napoleonic Wars that occured at the same time. Nevertheless, I have read entries by Britons claiming it was most decidedly a British/Canadian victory because of the US failure at attempting to invade Canada and the British sacking of Washington D.C.

Now, after reading wikipedia's entry on the conflict, it says that the war was actually a stalemate and had compelling reasons as to why it was. So, which is it, was the War of a 1812 an America victory, a British/Canadian victory, or a stalemate?




  1. It was pretty much a stalemate. Neither side got anything significant out of it and both were glad to end it.

  2. U.S.  we sacked toronto

  3. when you ask an American and a Canadian about the war of 1812 you get different answers because we're talking about a different war. when you ask a Canadian we say we won because we successfully defended our selves from American invasion and occupied Washington for one day before a truce was declared. But if you ask an American they say they won because they cast off British control and influence making them selves a truly souvenir nation. So depending on your point of view both of us won.

  4. Are the Brits in any conttroll of the U.S.A.. I think not! Can't tell you much more that that... GOOD LUCK!!!

  5. The United States won the war of 1812.

  6. It was, indeed a stalemate, though the British were brought to the peace table.  

    It did, however, sow the seeds for the Civil War as the doctrine of secession was put forth by the states of New England which found the protracted cost of the British blockade.  Hard to  imagine after the turbulence of Vietnam and how many people are opposed to our operations in Iraq, the War of 1812 is still the most unpopular war in American History.

  7. Militarily, since our American wars (at least the first two) were not tied to any capitol, the British gained no territory. Their principle gain was their capture of James Madison's love letters to his wife. The sacking of Washington is a feature that would be decisive in a European context, but when Americans have to surrender their capital, like with Philadelphia, Washington and later Richmond, we tend to say it didn't matter after all. The nation continued, capital or no.

    They did give up the free navigation of the Mississippi River and Ft. Detroit, which were the most important features from the westerners standpoint.

  8. Wellllllllllllllll, it started out as an "invasion" by Americans into Canada BECAUSE they were ticked off at the British for kidnapping American sailors to fight on British ships AND for the British support of American Natives that were fighting against the New Americans.

    Of course, the British were busy STILL fighting France....which the Americans SHOULD have been fighting WITH the French since they owed them big time for the American Revolution. So, they were feeling guilty as h**l.

    And of course, the Britsh were still ticked off about the Ameircan Revolution things too.

    BUT.....In 1813, the Americans won control of Lake Erie and cut off British and native forces to the west from their supplies.

    Control of Lake Ontario changed hands several times, with neither side able or willing to take advantage of any temporary superiority.

    The Americans ultimately gained control of Lake Champlain, a naval victory there forced a large invading British army to turn back in 1814.

    The Americans destroyed the power of the native people of the northwest and southeast, securing a major war goal.

    Once Britain defeated France, it ended the trade restrictions and impressment of US sailors, thus removing another cause of the war.

    Soooooooooo....Both Great Britain and the United States agreed to a peace that left the prewar boundaries intact.

    It was basically a big ol' pissing match due to old anomosities with the Natives, Americans, French, and British.

    It really wasn't a war meant to be won or lost......but CEASED. Which it did.

  9. The War of 1812 was more like the second and final revolution that proved America could and would hold her own.  The United States basically won by default because the British could not get what they wanted and eventually withdrew.

  10. Yeah it was a stalemate.  One thing that Canadians can claim is the Battle of Bladensburg.  The Canadians/British did launch a successful attack on Washington DC but couldn't hold it.  Instead much of Washington was razed including the buildings housing the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the White House. This happened in 1814.  The next year the treaty of Treaty of Ghent signed to end the war.  The US can claim many naval victories though.

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