
Who won so you think you can dance 2008

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just wondering couldn't catch the finale!




  1. JOSHUA WON! i liked him but i think twitch shouldve won but i still think joshua deserved it

  2. joshua.

  3. Joshua! Dude you need to watch it on youtube or somehting cause the judges picked their fave routines to see danced again and it was really good. and the 2 poppers ( now i forgot their names) but they had a battle. it was really cool.

  4. Joshua won SYTYCD 2008

  5. Joshua won against Twitch. I would have been happy for either of them. So Congrats Joshua! Both were superb dancers.

  6. J0shua!!!!! you really dont know how hype I was. I am so happy he was on the show because he has inspired me to do something that I never expected to do. He is a wonderful dancer and deserved to win.  

  7. Joshua won!!! i was so happy for him its amazing that with the little trianing he had he actually won and i really think he deserved it.

  8. Joshua won!!. Twitch came in second, Katee came in third, Courtney came in fourth. They eliminated one person every half hour, and all the judges picked a few of their favorite routines of the season to be re-performed

  9. seriously guys! i'm glad he won!

    twitch was like a professional. i think people chose josh over twitch bc they knew twitch was getting offered many many jobs everywhere and they felt josh should get some credit too!

    twitch was such an amazing dancer. he knew that he pretty much won too.

    no matter what that boy is going to be so famous bc of his technique. he'll get to do anything josh gets because he's just as good.

    i say-

    they both won.

  10. josh : (

    i wanted twitch to win : (

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