
Who won so you think you can dance?

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Who won so you think you can dance?




  1. JOSHUA! aaarrrh.

    I wish twitch won, he was so original, humourous, cuteerr than joshua, ffiiitt, and amazing! Katee came in third, courtney in fourth, twitch in second.

  2. Joshua

  3. Joshua allennnnnn!!! 4 real, 4 real!!!!

  4. joshua allen

  5. hmm I'll make sure not to tell my parents. They're watching it right now and we're on the west coast so we get it later than all of you.  

  6. JOSHUA! ooh i am so happy! but i loved them all! Courtney was the first to leave with the fewest votes. Then it was Katee that left second but since she was top female dancer she got a special prize that is new this year....$50,000!!!!!! It was very nerve-wracking those last few moments for me becuz it was Twitch & Joshua standing next to each other. i must admit, i really didn't care who would win tonight becuz they r all so good, but i was glad it was Joshua becuz he really came a long way from where he started from in the beginning & he was probably either the most or one of the most versatile dancers on the show! all in all, the top four deserved to b in the top four, & Joshua deserved to win (in my opinion!)!!!

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