
Who won the first world cup in soccer?

by Guest64428  |  10 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Does anyone know the name of the team who has won the very first soccer world cup?




  1. jay gohil
    Final match was between Uruguay and Argentina; match was played at Centenario on 30th July 1930, official attendance of this match was 68,346. Final score was 4-2.
    From Uruguay side Dorado,Cea,Iriarte and Castro scored and from Argentina side Peucelle and
    Stábile scored.
    Alberto Suppici was the coach of Uruguay and Francisco OLAZAR was Argentinean coach.
    Refree of the match was Jean Langenus assistant referee were Ulises SAUCEDO and Henry CRISTOPHE.

  2. adeel
    Uruguay in 1930.

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