
Who won the hores and chad jonson race??

by Guest44745  |  earlier

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Who won the hores and chad jonson race??




  1. Chad Johnson did, but he got an head start.

  2. Ohco Cinco, watch sportscenter

  3. Chad Johnston won. A 100 meter race. He's a beast too so it's truly fair. He's amazing.

  4. chad ran 100 meters aND the horse ran 220 yards, the horse was a maiden, that had never hit the board in any of her starts, now the maiden at least came in 2nd place....but chad was moving like a winner from start to finish....

  5. Ok, so I was staying in Cincinnati last night for a horse show and I was stuck watching Cincinnati news and I couldn't believe how many times they felt the need to feature that story... and I thought it was retarded...  but to answer your question, the news said that Chad Johnson won.  BUT if you watch the video, you can see that Chad Johnson gets to start WAY in front of the horse who has to break out of the starting gate.  The guy isn't faster than a horse...  he can just run to the finish of a shorter distance before the horse can cross the line of the longer distance that he has to cover.  And we know that horses aren't the greatest about the starting gate...  I mean by the time the horse was out and really running (I consider that to be about 2 strides out of the gate), the guy was already half way done with his run.  So the horse only really got the chance to make 3 good strides before the guy crossed the line.  And then the horse was about at the guy's starting line when the guy finished, so the horse really didn't have the chance to actually win that race.  I found it to be a contrived race that was made simply to give Cincinnati people something to feel good about and to give the news something to showcase on Belmont day.

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