
Who would George Washington vote for IF he was a citizen today?

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Who would George Washington vote for IF he was a citizen today?




  1. He stepped down after two terms, he knew when to pull out.  Obama

  2. Which ever candidate was for a small central government and low taxes on the people. And the one who supports the constitution and the entire bill of rights including that pesky 2nd. The one who promises to defend the peoples freedom and liberties. Is that enough hints for you?

  3. Ron Paul because he is the only one who is closest to the Founders' ideals. Ron Paul is against the two party system, against the central banking system, bad intervention foreign policies, and against Constitutional ignorance. Washington wouldn't vote, or support hacks like Obama and McCain, both have violated and ignored the Constitution by voting for the Patriot ACT, FISA, and the Iraq spending into place. Good question.

  4. he would have voted how ever the federalist told him to vote. federalist would vote for Obama and anti-federalist would vote for McCain.

  5. Samuel Jackson.

  6. He would be outraged at the control exerted by the current admin (and their utter disregard of the First Amendment) be puzzled by the hugeness of both parties, be appalled at Congress...and he'd probably advocate booting everyone out and starting over.

    He'd most likely prefer a libertarian in the true style...not the nutbag survivalist style.

  7. he would probably move to Australia

  8. The candidate that's pro-slavery.

  9. Ron Paul.......................he was against party politics....he said it  was evil and it would become divisive to the country and nothing would get accomplished......It's really astonishing how ahead of their time the founding fathers were

  10. I don't think he would vote.  He would try to lead some kind of revolution against the government because it's so far from what he knew.

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