
Who would I ask at the supermarket?

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Who would I ask at the supermarket to bring in items they don't sell?

I'd like to buy salt free chips of all kinds, but I'm not sure who to ask to order such products.




  1. At the Wild Oats I worked at you had to ask the manager on the floor to special order things for you. He'd have to jump a couple hoops and you had to be willing to buy at least one pack for some things. Other things were always in such demand that when people came in and asked we'd just have the items already in the back, just not on the shelf.

    A couple locations also had special order forms at the check-out stand that you could simply fill out and leave with the cashier. It really depends on the store I think and how they do or do not work with the customers.

    You could always do a search online here as well if you wanted. A lot of good companies sell to you via normal mail and it is usually cheaper to buy direct if they are willing.

    Here are a few sites my search found-

    Micheal's Good'N'Gold



    Terrells Potato Chips


    And another person who asked the question of where to find salt-free chips-

    Good luck! I hope you are successful.

  2. store manager.

  3. In some stores they have Ordering sheets by the checkout lines. If not you can always ask for a manager and see what they can tell you about ordering food!  

  4. May I suggest that you contact the company of your favorite chips directly (via email would be the fastest/easiest way) and ask if you may order from their company and have them sent directly to your address. The cost may be more reasonable than at the market by cutting out the middle man. Best of luck to you. My favorite is Cape Cod chips....Yummmmmmmm!!

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