
Who would Jesus vote for?

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I know this is a very stupid question with no relevance to anything but I want to see all the crazies yell at each other.




  1. Nadar. Jesus hates Corvairs too.

  2. Jesus wouldn't be voting for anyone.

    People would be voting for Jesus.  

  3. MCCain.  Jesus would never feel it okay to abort a baby.

    jesus and I am not a bible quoter.) believed if you take an eye, you give an eye, and was for the dealth penalty (Obama is not)

  4. No one.  he says in the bible not to get involved in politics. BUT, that was written a looong time ago and is way out of context now.  SO, probably 3rd party...

  5. He would vote for neither of them.  Politicians are the complete opposite of what he stood for.

  6. I'll ask him

    Jesus lives down the street from me

    My spanish isn't to good though

  7. 3rd party or no one as it sounds silly for the creator of mankind to meddle in the political affairs of one nation.

  8. I once saw a shirt that says "Jesus isn't a Republican, but he DEFINATLEY ISN'T a DEMONcrat."

    Does that answer it for you?

    and I think he would defininatly vote for McCain.

  9. Jesus has better things to do then to get in the midst of this trivial situation. But, He already knows who will win, because he is allowing this to come about as a fulfillment of his prophecy. This will just let the Biblical scholars decide if Revelation is about to come to a head, or if maybe we have a little longer.  

  10. Jesus wouldn't even pay attention to the election. "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's."

  11. Himself.

  12. Hmmm..  if it was Herod v. Pilate, I'm betting he would write in Joseph of Arimithea on a third party ticket

  13. He would vote for a heavenly govt. thats what we are supposed to have!!!

  14. Let's see:  Jesus talked of tolerance.  He talked about peace.  And he talked about love and helping those in need.  Does anyone really think he's vote for a guy who seems to love war, jokes about bombing Iran, and wants tax-cuts for the wealthy.  Or a woman who loves AK47's and enjoys killing moose just for pleasure?  

  15. Jesus isn't registered to vote, and even if he was he probably wouldn't.

    Wait, Jesus from East L.A. or Jesus of Nazareth?

  16. Palin is the only one who 'walks the walk'.

  17. if Jesus is smart as everyone says he is he will vote for ron paul

  18. I know He wouldn't vote for Obama.

  19. He would vote for McCain and Palin!

  20. I think Jesus would break down and cry at seeing what the human race has diminished to.

  21. McCain and Palin

    No question

  22. Madalyn Murray O'Hair - she is a lot closer to his ideals than McSame/Palin/Biden.  Not sure about Obama yet, he may be real and he may be BS, although I'm betting BS.

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