
Who would Yankee's fans root for in a Met's/Red Sox World Series?

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Who would Yankee's fans root for in a Met's/Red Sox World Series?




  1. Mets

  2. Mets all the way they r my team this yr the amazing r showing that they can do it 1st place we just gotta keep the players healthy piching needs work but they r gettin there

  3. i would definitley root for the mets . i hate both teams but i hate the red sox more

  4. I would never root for the Boston Red Sox in a World Series

  5. Mets...much more class then boston

  6. mets! they are just so much more likeable

  7. Yankee fans would route for the Mets before the Sox. When's the last time the Mets were an actual threat to the Yankee's dominence of New Yorker's hearts? 86?

    Although, they'd better secretly hope the Sox win because it would stink if they lost fans to their cross town rivals because the Yanks can't win.

  8. Mets without a doubt

  9. i know people that proudly admit they rooted for the red sox in the 86 series, personally i dont get that, i guess they just hate the mets more than the sox, or just dont like baseball very much

  10. Mets, in a second. We don't hate the Mets... it's just that they're the other NY team. The rivalry only really exists in the Subway Series. The Yankees/Red Sox rivalry exists whenever, wherever. I'd root for the hometwon before rooting for the Sox. Ew.

  11. Mets for sure.

    Under no circumstances should a Yankee fan root for the SAWX. When it comes down to it, no matter how much the Yankees and Mets hate each other, theyre both New Yorkers,  and you gotta root for the city of New York. Never for the SAWX.

  12. Mets , no were close would i root for the Red Sox

  13. Yankee fans would root for the mets.  The yankee fans hate the red soxs to much to ever cheer for them, even if it means cheering for a team of another state or city and not neccesarily the mets.

  14. If they absolutely had to, mets

  15. The Mets and Yankees rivalry is strong, but no where near as intense as the Red Sox and Yankees rivalry.

    I'd say that Yankee fans would root for the Mets.

  16. Mid-air plane collision on the way to Game 3

  17. Defintely Mets =]

  18. I am sure it would be the Mets. There is a rivalry there but not the hatred that they have for Boston. Besides they would rather say that a team from NY won over anyone else anyday.

  19. 100% I'm rooting for the Mets. I really wouldnt want to see the Mets win the WS. But if it's between them and the Sox, then I would want to see the Mets win.

  20. Ummm I wouldnt watch or care i hate both teams as a yankee fan,but if i had 2 choose mets, i cant stand red sox nation its the dumbest thing ever

  21. red sox! then the mets would be known as the team in new york city like the yanks are now

  22. Neither.  Yankee fans would consider the season over and pay any attention to the WS.

  23. The same thing they did in 1986, they'd root for the Mets.

  24. mets is just a crosstown rivalry, different divisions

    yankees fans hate red sox. period

    i would rather see the mets win a WS and bring it back to NY than see Boston's bandwagon grow even more

  25. A real Yankees fan hates the both. Yes I said hate. Unless you live in New York City you can't possibly understand the cross town rivalry. In some ways it's every bit as strong as the Yankees - Red Sox rivalry.

    But the Yankees have been shown up by the Red Sox in recent years. They haven't been embarrassed by the Mets in this way. Therefore, most Yankees fans would root for the Mets.

  26. I hate both teams but would root for the Red Sox because the Met fans would never shut up.

  27. That is a great question!  If they are loyal to the league, they would have to root for the Red Sox!  That would be painful for them I am sure!

  28. Assuming swallowing rat poison and getting a genie to bring about a major October ice storm across the Northeast is out of the question, I'm rooting for the Mets. It's definitely the lesser of two evils. I had to deal with that horrible, vomit-inducing choice when I was a kid in '86, when New York was all about the Mets and the Yankees were a third-place afterthought.

    Let's hope we Yankees fans are never forced to make this decision again.

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