
Who would be a better president?

by Guest57930  |  earlier

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Well i think Mccain will, I hope. Who do u think will be our next president. Its scary just thinking bout it.




  1. where are you? which country's president?

    if it is my country, i think better president is me myself

    just because we must trust ourselves!!!


    just kidding!

    REALLY, pls specify your country name.

  2. We don't need a child of the world when so much of the world is against our values. Yes Barrack, we are different than the rest of the world and our differences  can't be compromised. We are given rights by a higher power not by any man, other countries give their people power by (government) man which can be taken away. This is the fundamental difference of the US that can't be negotiable.So the only candidate that will continue our freedoms and not trade them for appeasement is McCain. Sorry Barrack.

  3. Bob Barr, the thinking man's choice.

  4. Anybody but Bush.

  5. It's only scary if you're unprepared...

  6. i don't think either one is fit but one of the two will get it and i don't think i can decide

  7. You guys are fortunate that you have two deserving candidates to choose from... in the Philippines, every official is corrupt, they don't care about the people, and the Filipino people have become too apathetic that they have given up fighting for their rights.

    I'd like to pretend I'm living in your country and choose as if I'm an American citizen.  Like you I'd choose McCain because he doesn't hide his true colors.  He either says YES or NO.  There is no gray area.  Not everyone may agree with him, but he sticks to his principles...  It's interesting, because I first liked Obama, but after I heard McCain and Obama answer questions in the public forum of Saddleback Church, I now choose McCain.

    Through this forum, Obama displayed that he was more concerned about not getting anybody angry.  He was playing it safe and staying in the neutral zone.  To be honest a person with this character is scary, because you'll never know where he really stands or what he is capable of doing.  Before I didn't think I'd say this, but now I'm feeling like I can't trust everything Obama says.  McCain clearly says what's on his mind and he exposes his action plans for the country and they're specific.

    But of course, you'll really only know if one of them is good for your country when they start to actually run it.  It would be really interesting, and I'm actually more concerned about who would become your president than who would be the next Philippine president... Cause I already know the next one would be just as corrupt or maybe even worst.  Sadly, our country is rapidly spiraling down primarily because of our government (next would be the Filipino people; we are not united and everyone lives for themselves).

    So good luck, America... Hope the next most influential leader can help a country like ours topple down a corrupt government who seeks it's own gain and not the people's.

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