
Who would be at fault in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving in my lane, the only car driving in my direction for a block, and I'm on a major road, at the speed limit (60 km/h) ... A car comes on a side road, passes the stop sign, and stops in the middle of my lane ... If I were to have hit him, who would be at fault? Would it affect my insurance? Luckily I reacted but the ****** just stopped right in front of me when I approached ....




  1. obviously, the other motorist lacks road courtesy. He must have stopped before entering your lane. But whoever's fault that is, you're lucky not to hit him because it will be a  big nuisance for the both of you. Be a defensive driver at all times. ANTICIPATE!

  2. The driver who had the last opportunity to prevent the accident from happening, but did not, is at fault.  Thus if the other party suddenly stopped in your lane and you had no chance to react, he is at fault.

  3. If you had a stop sign then i could really go either way because you should have been slowing down any ways if he was the only one with a stop sign then he did not give right of way and would have been found at fault lucky for you though cause my sister had the same thing happen and the person doing it was waiting for some one to hit her so she could sue them.

  4. It would be your fault unless you had witnesses to back up what had happened............when driving you always need to make adjustments for the people that dont understand the rule of the road.

  5. If you had time to stop, and didn't you would be at fault, otherwise, it is all on him.  Funny thing, I had an accident exactly like that, I had my licence for 6 months, and the other guy didn't get a ticket because, according to the cops "he had his licence for 20 years".  When I pointed out it didn't matter if he had it for 20 years, or 20 minutes, he still came through the stop sign, they said "well, he didn't go very far into the intersection".  43 years later, I have not forgotten, and I have never forgiven the Edmonton police for their favouritsm.

  6. If you hit them from behind then you would be found "at fault"

  7. If you had not had time to stop, ie: not enough distance considering you were travelling at the correct speed,

    then he would have been at fault for failing to stop. However, as he had stopped you had the time and distance to stop and didn't, then you would be wrong.

    Just as well you were concentrating and not using a mobile phone or playing with your radio or ipod.

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