
Who would be the best sign as your boss?

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I know everyone has cool and bad traits...

but on paper who would be the best sign to have as your boss? who would let you get away with more? who would be thew funnest to work with? ra ra....




  1. actually in real life Leo is probably the least show off sign. and if they show off, the show off something good not pathetic like capricorns or Pieces etc.. and Leo is the best boss. Pieces will make a lazy useless person out of you and capricorn will make a slave out of you. Leo on the other hand will make you do the things you agreed to do, nothing extra. but leo is neither a clown nor your mum, they expect you to meet your own target at least.  

  2. Sagittarius,Scorpio,Aquarius.

    They are really brainy signs who deserve being called as Leaders.They are not show offs like Leo who are concerned about how they look than what they do.

    dracula Leos know only to instruct.They can never do their work on their own.They always need someone to do it for them.They can be dictators.Even now boasting is the only thing you are doing here.

  3. I think Aquarians would be the fairest since they're all about equality and humanitarianism. Most would not play into favoritism and would encourage employees when they're doing a good job instead of yelling at them when they mess up.

  4. Well my favorite boss was a male Taurus.  I think I could have a Leo boss and be happy too.  My Taurus boss was very strong and demanding and had an awful temper but if you were able to meet his expectations (and he would help you to meet them) he would give you soooo much praise and meant it from his heart.  He was a good leader - although I was scared of his bad temper.

    Leos make great bosses because they are natural leaders.  They ask for a lot but they also have a big heart and are very loyal.  

    Both Taurus and Leo are protective and supportive.

    They would be my choice for sure.


    Sun: Sadge

    Moon: Leo

    Ascendant: Gemini

    Wow no one thinks that Taurus or Leo make great bosses?!  Okay!!  Well I still do:-P  hahahaha


    I am an Aries and I consider Aries as a good boss.If there is someone who can be as good as an Aries I would say thats a Sagittarius.My present boss is a Sagittarius lady.She is an astute and is technically adept.She is absolutely fearless and can handle any kind of critical situation single handedly.Despite being an adroit she doesn't have conceit.She listens to what others say.She combines her innovativeness with the advice of experienced people and makes wise decisions.She is not the kind of person who learn things the hard way.She learns from others' mistakes and hardly commits one.She also has a retentive memory.She remembers what she speaks and every d**n thing that happened before years with striking accuracy.She is also a good orator and very good writer.

    In short she can do the work of anybody in her company.She is one of the very best.

    The worst boss will probably be a Leo.My previous boss was a Leo man.He was so d**n lazy and made the worst out of the most talented people in his company.He hardly came to office and spends time to hang out young gals who are in the age of his daughter(yes he was a sugardaddy).He neither had ideas on his own nor listened to what others said.He was so bloody arrogant to everyone in the office.He was jealous of his own employees.Leo sucks.

  6. Scorpio=They are brilliant+bold and confident.Nobody can cheat them.They are passionate about their work and nothing can stop them.

    Sagittarius=They are intelligent +noble people..With a Sagittarius boss you will be given the freedom to do your work in the way you want.You will get honest praises for what you really deserve.They are unbiased and just.They add creativity and humor to the workplace that work will become a pleasure for you.They won't threaten you or ill treat you.They won't even spy on you.But you will certainly do your work properly out of respect.

  7. The best boss overall would be a Capricorn. The one who would let you get away with the most would probably be a Pisces. The funnest would probably be a Gemini or Aquarius.

  8. Sagittarius make the best boss.

    Sagittarians have a unique blend of sharp wit,wisdom,pride(but not blatant ego like Leo),justice and superior communication skills.They have lots of unusually innovative ideas which are also sensible.They have no problem in making others understand what they think and what they want.They are after all the best teachers of zodiac.They will gracefully assent to you even if you come up with an idea better than theirs'.They will help you improve yourself for the better.With a Sagg boss you need not bother about your minor mistakes.They will be forgiven as long as you realize that its a mistake.They can understand their employees in the deepest levels of mind.They will generously give you incentives even before you realize that you are worth it. They have the knack of boosting up one's morale.They can make the saddest hearts come alive with happiness and enthusiasm.They are the best.  

  9. Leo would be the best sign, because they naturally give simple and easy to understand orders that anyone can follow through.

    the brainy signs are only good for backround work, the kind of work that they do in solitude. they are too nervous and brainy to give orders to other people,(aquarius, virgos'). Leo's are naturally leaders.

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