
Who would be willing to do this?

by  |  earlier

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Gas prices are merging on dispicable and they will not decrease any time soon. In fact, I can see them exceeding 5 dollars within the next month.

I suggest a boycott in which all drivers buy mass quantities of gas at these prices, then use this supply to fuel their cars for the next few months. At first, the companies will reel in the profits, but in time they will go months without income.

I beseech you, emancipate yourselves from the illusion that gas prices will go down. Buy gas now and store it in your homes.

Drivers of the world unite. We have nothing to lose but our chains for we are bound by the economic tyranny of petroleum distributors.

(Pardon the illusion to the communist manifesto, but judged merely for poetic value, the quote is apropos and well-written.)




  1. So you're suggesting that everyone buy "mass quantities" of a flammable, highly volatile liquid and ... store it where, exactly? In the garage? The basement? In milk jugs out on the back porch?

  2. Brilliant!  Where should I store 100+ gallons of gasoline, and what container should I use? Bedrooms of the house? Bathrooms? Perhaps in my attic?  Do you think I should notify the fire marshal about this so they can be properly prepared?  Please advise with the help I need in implementing your breakthrough plan.

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