
Who would be worse parent material: Paris Hilton or Amy Winehouse?

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Both celebrities have publically stated that they want to start having kids soon. A lot of people have been mocking Paris for her very natural, maternal desires. And now Amy Winehouse is saying that she wants not just to have kids, but five kids...including twins!...and something about having a dream about twins.

Who do you think would be worse, and why?




  1. Paris Hilton isn't known for smoking crack - so she gets my vote.  Besides, she has straightened up quiet a bit since her jail time.

  2. I think Paris Hilton would make a better parent. Not only has she started straightening her lif out, but her family would probably be more involved, and she wouldn't be smoking crack or shooting up in front of the kids or something.

  3. Amy Winehouse would be worse - she can't even manage to take care of herself, let alone 5 kids!  Paris as a mom seems a bit more realistic to me.  Yeah, she's made mistakes, but when was the last time you heard bad things about her in the news or in the magazines?  Winehouse just can't seem to get her act together yet.

  4. Amy Winehouse...she's a crackhead

    Paris Hilton would probably do just fine she's just S****y but it might calm her down

  5. Amy Winehouse is on drugs so she would have a hard time.

    i don't see why Paris Hilton would be a bad parent. Yes she did drink and drive but she learned her lesson.

  6. When I read your question, two images popped into my head: Amy Winehouse smoking crack with her tot, and Paris Hilton strutting down the street with her baby on a pink leash.  I guess the latter is better than the former, but not by much.  Sheesh, poor kids!

  7. personally, i think paris hilton, would be worse.

    paris hilton is a little girl,

    amy winehouse is a young woman,

    amy has talent and frankly paris doesn't.

    people need to look past the issues in there private lifes,

    and see the bigger picture.

    amy says she has no direction & can't see the point in life, and that's she's young, bored and has nothing to live for.

    with a baby, she'll have something to live for, and something to care for, she'd be a diffrent person then + the baby would bring out the best in her, and she'd bring out the best in the baby.

  8. why do u asume that paris would be a bad mother? its just mean to say that about her , what if she read that on here ? shes not on crack and in rehab like the wino

  9. I think Amy Winehouse would make a horrible parent.  She sounds like a 15 year old, "I want to have 5 kids, including twins!  I wanna name them ......blah blah blah."  Paris actually said she'd like to have kids and left it at that.  

    Just because she's catty and has a s*x video doesn't mean she wouldn't make a great mom.  Amy Winehouse and her bf are way to messed up on drug abuse, jail and are way too out of it to actually be a good role model or parent to a child!

  10. Amy Winehouse would be ten times worse than Paris. Lately Paris has gotten her **** together but Amy can't even go into public without hitting some one, or being extremely intoxicated. She is just a filthy person.

  11. Amy Winehouse hands down. She is freaking wreck that can't even take care of herself. At least with Paris , she is bound to hire a good group of nanny's. The kid would have SOME hope.

  12. Amy Winehouse because the tried to make her go to rehab but she said NO-NO-NO

  13. I like Amy WAAAAY better than Paris, but right now Amy is to ill to have a baby, I NEVER thought I'd say this but Paris would be a better parent. If Amy got off drugs and sorted herself out I think she'd be a good parent though. But I DON'T like Paris at all. ugh.

  14. Please no!!!! they really should not reproduce there are enough troubled souls in this world already. But then again they have the money for a great nanny who would bring up the kids for them. and they will not have anything to do with them but last names really. Isn't that how it works in the celebrity world?

    Don't you ever wonder if any of those celebs go on these sorts of things and see what real people think of them?

  15. Hey, if Nicole Richie and Ashlee Simpson can procreate and be "good mothers", anybody can.

  16. Do I really have to choose?

  17. People change after having kids, it's just a fact of life.  They both may turn out to be awesome parents, who knows.

  18. Amy Winehouse is a drug addict, I think that would be far harder on a child than being Paris Hiltons child. Sure they both have their own problems, but drug abuse is something that takes a lifetime to get under control.

  19. I would say Paris Hilton would be a better parent than Amy Winehouse.

  20. Worse Parent -

    Amy Winehouse.

    She'd have a crack baby.

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