
Who would continue to answer questions of anyone who never gives you best answer ?

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I put a lot into my answers & I am beginning to consider their questions, a waste of my time.

What are your feeling about this ?




  1. I answer questions because I know the answer, not because I believe I am going to be chosen as best. Specifically if its a certain user whos questions I answer who is opposed to my views politically, it keeps them knowing I am alive and well, and views like mine flourish. And I can always hope that one day we will be in agreement on something. It has happened before. Really, I have given a best to one or two Liberals, for real, I swear it <wink>.

  2. Hello Jill:

    I never expect to receive a "BA", however, always give my own "Best Answer", possible to the posting question.  Then, no matter who winds up getting "BA" out of many.....if it is not me, I know I gave it my very best ever.  My ultimate goal is not to win a BA, but to give the move informative information and help I possibly can to all.  

    I'm a giver, not a receiver.  It's always a "feel good" situation when I do see I earned a BA.  Then, I move on to the next poster that I think I can aid, assist, give hope to, make happy, and just plain be honest with.    

    I wish you the same, and I hope you keep posting and answering.  

  3. I really do not pay attention to the asker of the question!   First I answer the question, and then if I get a "best answer" fine, but if I don't - - -  well there are a lot more important things in life to fret about.

    If I do get a best answer, I usually (not always) email and say thank you!


  4. Keep on answering! I sit and read many of the q's and a's....and more often than not I learn more from the ones that WEREN'T chosen as "best".

    In other words, maybe you didn't get any points for the effort you put into a particular answer....but that doesn't mean other members didn't learn or gain something from your input.

    And that's what counts most here, right?!

  5. Jill for McCain = me too.

    I too put a lot into my answers, but I'm kind of feeling (for a time) more like just reading through and giving myself some time off.

    I got to level 5 before I knew seniors was here.

    Some times I go for a stroll, over in Humanities - books - Psychology and  Quotes, found under education.

    I don't care that much about my point tally but I do like to get best answer when I know I deserve it, you know how it is.

    Stick around.


  6. A lot of other people also read the question and answers. I sometimes search for questions and look at all answers, not just the one that was selected best by the asker. So please don't stop giving good answers. I did give you a star because I know you feel frustrated and all your good effort is for naught but it really isn't.

    EDIT- LOL 20% best answer!! I think you might be a perfectionist. Best wishes!


  7. I have stopped answering a few persons questions, because they will have quite afew good answers but will choice a wrong answer or one which isn't even related to what they ask.  Childish big time , maybe they are children but I doubt it.

  8. All you can do is answer truthfully and the best way you think is correct..

    if someone cant see that people are giving knowledgeable answers, then just move on, do not let it bother you......

    this just means, they probably didn't understand their own question they were asking, or someone did not put just exactly what they wanted to hear.

    your better than that Ms Jill, and please don't be upset over someone not giving a best answer to the person that really deserves it.

    everyone have a great weekend, lets have some fun this weekend on Yahoo, and  blow the roof off...

    and if you feel the same person posting is not giving you best answer, just move away from that poster...

    enough Freud's......lets just all have fun...

  9. I always just answer the best that I can and if I'm chosen as best answer that's just icing on the cake. I dont really care about just racking up points or being chosen as the "wisest". This is more to help others, learn new things and just enjoy yourself.

  10. I don't care about myself getting best answer and the points, but I actually feel guilty giving only one person best answer because I might have 3, 5, 8, 10 that deserve it and I always try to express how much I appreciate and respect their answers and if I could, I would take everyone out to lunch. lol. But Yahoo made these rules and we have to do the best we can, I guess.  

  11. I try to post the best answer I know how, and leave it up to the judgement of the asker it it meets with THEIR approval as Best Answer.

    There are times when they choose my answer because they do NOT like it, or they do it to try to aggrevate me.  Technically, if my answer was not the Best Answer, and they choose it anyway for reasons OTHER than it was the best, that is in violation of the Y!A guidelines, and should be reported.

    Please don't think it's a waste of your time.  All GOOD and decent contributions are valuable and are appreciated, if not by the asker, by others who are reading your answer.

    Have a Senior Day.

  12. Getting a "best answer" wouldn't be that hard if that is all you want.  Just try to figure out what you think someone wants to hear.  But I think it is more interesting to just answer truthfully.  I love reading everyones answers and I really don't need the "best answer" feedback that much.

  13. I am pretty new at this , I just pick the questions that I find interesting , and as Ive seen & heard , I'm always surprised when I get Best Answer, I have been answering questions to get to the next level , Why , because It's a competition with myself not with anyone else. Maybe you are taking all this a little too personally or are suffering from Question burnout.

  14. I just answer the question to the best of my knowledge & if I get best answer fine. If not, that's alright too.

    I feel I waste my time when the asker of the question doesn't pick best answer & it goes into community voting.

    I think that is inconsiderate. If we can take the time to answer a question the one that asked should take the time to pick a best answer.

  15. I never thought about seeing who gave me a best answer. I am usually surprised when I get one. Some I recognize as having answered before and possibly even e-mailed with.

    I wouldn't be able to remember that well anyhow. If the questions begs for a fun answer then I give it a go. If the question raises my hackles, I answer also but am learning to tone that down since it does neither me nor them any good.

    Guess I am one of those guys that don't think about it. Did make me check and I found that I have never asked a question. Have to think about doing that sometime.

  16. I give answers based on the question. I choose best answers based on meeting the intent of the question. I also choose which questions I will answer.

    Also i do not take it that serious.

    Which is why I don't have a gijillion points and never more than 7-8 best answers.

    Must be a YA failure huh.

  17. Hello, sometimes i think all the answer's are not read, as there is no recognition of a thank you of a thumbs up, for an answer to the questioner.  I believe that unless you are known by some of the people asking, you will not be chosen for the points, as many play the game among themselves. Also many do not return to read the answers, so it ends in a free for all, for the points. Carry on O wise one, for to get at your level you must be doing something right.

  18. Jill---I usually vote my conscience when giving the best answers---I guess I have recently done it while over-tired---I do apologize as I do know I have made some errors in judgment when over-tired---hang in there and I promise to try harder to do the right thing---will vote with a clear-head now.

  19. i don't care that much..but if i answered a question and i thought that is was worthy of best answer,i would think why that person chose another answer,when mine was better..but,we come here to have fun,so,i just answer the questions i like and if i don't get best answer,i don't mind..but i know what you mean..

  20. I only answer questions in which I can make someone happy, informed or, enlightened! I could care less if I get best answer! I only care that I amswer them as best as I can!

  21. To tell you the truth it doesn't bother me.I just try to answer the best i can.Have a good evening and don't worry about trivial things.

  22. I would & I do.  Getting Best Answer is never on my mind when I give a response.  It's all about sharing information, attempting to comprehend what another person is requesting, & using my memory skills.  If I was interested in getting something, I'd start my own website.

    I'd rather give than get...that's enough for me.

    I guess I just don't have a competitive nature that comes before or after the fact!.

  23. Yes I would.  I answer the questions I find interesting or have knowledge about.  In other words to put my 2 cents in.  If the person asking does not pick my answer, oh well, I said what I had to say and let it go at that.

    If they ask me another  I will answer, regardless if they have picked me with the best answer or not.

  24. I don't think about BA when answering questions. I am just happy to have a format to express my views or share my knowledge without boring my family and friends to tears. I know they get tired of me talking dogs or horses...sigh..and they've heard all of my lectures about other topics of interest to me.

    I do know what you mean, though. I get emails from askers, stating that they would like me to answer, and then they never choose BA.

  25. Personally speaking, I am always surprised when I do receive a best answer.  When I do, I think that it will be the last one.    The only thing that bothers me  is when there are several good answers and the one receiving best answer says "Yep" or "Who's-------?

    If a person asks a decent question, they should have the courtesy to give consideration to a decent answer.

  26. I only answer questions that are interesting to me or that I think I can help with in some way.A best answer is a bonus to me and shows my input has been useful.Yes I'd still answer,I'm here to help and learn, not to score points.

  27. I just answer from the heart.

    I never expect to get best answer and am always surprised when I do.

    There are so many very clever people on here who are very witty

    and nail an answer much better than I can.

    Points mean nothing anyway, its not as if we can swap them

    for anything if we reach a million.

    So just keep on answering the questions you like and enjoy.

  28. I don't keep track of who gives me best answer.

    Best way to get best answer is to tell people what they want to hear, and I could get a lot more that way; but, I say what I think and let the chips fall where they may.  Not doing this for best answers.

  29. Shoot, I'm not here for points only to ask and answer. I enjoy the sight and have learned a lot. I think if one is here only for points, they have a differenet agenda than I do, and that's ok. I'm not here for competition, but to learn from and help others. There are a lot of good answers, and it is very difficult to pick just one many times. :)

  30. Hellz Bellz, I never get best answer here in Seniors (even though I am one).

    I just keep answering if the question looks interesting.

    I agree with you though; when you've spent a little time writing a thoughtful response and don't even get an honorable mention. That sucks.

  31. Jill sometimes it is so difficult to pick a best answer that I know of contacts who end up sending it to the voters because they can't choose.

    I know I have had several of my political questions where I had a very difficult time picking who gets best answer.

    When that happens I try to at least mention the other answerer's by name or thank them for all the great answers.

    I know most askers prefer to give best answer to their contacts which is alright if the answer is the best one to fit the question.

    I hope this helps, even if just a tiny bit and you know that I always appreciate your great answers and the thought and passion (sometimes compassion) that you put into them.

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