
Who would do better?(american)NFL football players playing agaisnt a pro rugby team or Vise-Versa?

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i don't know what the leauge that pro rugby players play in is called...




  1. hasnt this question been asked a million times.

    heres your answer. golf.

    neither rugby nor football.

  2. I'm a New zealander living in the states and have had this conversation a few times and I believe it comes down to a question of stamina. AF players would struggle to adjust to the continuity of rugby where phases of play can go for up to 4-5 minutes compared to 30-60 seconds in AF. While I accept the rugby players would get pushed around at the line of scrimmage I believe that their open feild D would somewhat nullify this. AF players arent the best open feild defenders. Its a hard comparision but I'd love to see it tried, All Blacks VS New York Gaints having a skins game in central park, how cool would that be.

  3. the football players wud be demolished in rugby and the rugby players wud hold there own in football. if the all blacks played n e nfl team in rugby the score wud be 400-0 easy. this is y with a mixture of offense n defense players on the football side and a kicker who do u think the all blacks are gunna run at? the GUYS WHO CANT TACKLE. also the tackles in rugby wud be 2 strange 4 a football player...u cant grab above the chest u MUST wrap and u need to put u head behind the guys but instead of infront. also the allblacks can adapt to n e style of defense and every1 can play each position. with the foot ball playersevery1 would be set in thier positions n they wouldnt kno the game. if they played football the rugbys wud already kno how to tackle would be way better rested and wud probly support each other and offload in tackles. however the football players wud surely win due to armstrenght in the Qb n the sure skill of todays widerecievers

  4. They're two different games so there would really be no fair comparisons

  5. Gridiron players can't play Rugby.

    Rugby players can't play Gridiron.

    It will never happen.

  6. The games are too different for either to switch and play the other.  The tackling style of football players is dangerous to even attempt without padding and is completely illegal in rugby.  In the same vein, rugby players couldn't do the same on an offensive or defensive line because they're not even close in size.

    Some rugby players have been offered contracts for football, Jonah Lomu was the big one (Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers), according to his book, he never seriously considered it as an option.

    I think that players in certain positions would be able to play both, running backs, wide receivers and maybe linebackers could play rugby and some rugby players could play those positions, but linemen, in my experience with coaching converts are completely useless in rugby.  Too big, too unfit.

    As far as who is better goes, both sports require a long term knowledge of the game to be any use at the top level and I don't think they're comparable.

    If you play either one of those sports, you know I'm right about the linemen.  I coached people who have converted from football to rugby when I was living in the US, so I know how it works. You can't play rugby when you're 6'6" and 300lbs, there's just no position for you.  You're too tall to be a prop and too heavy to be a lock.  

    If you make a 50m run, you cant go to the sideline and suck oxygen for a minute, you have to run back to position.  So you can call it lineman **** if you want, but thats the way it is.  Unless you've played both sports or coached both sports, you have no idea.

    And if you pay attention to the times at the bottom of your question and of my answer, you'll see that I answered before you tacked on that little ***-covering footnote about considerable training (which, by the way, would take about a full season)

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