
Who would do such a thing?!!!?

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Is there anyway I can find out who poisoned my dogs?

The police found no evidence, except for a slice of hot dog, that had been stuffed with the poison

I went on vacation, for my labor day/birthday...only to come back home to my 2 APBT who had been poisoned to death. I know it wasn't the person watching them, It was my own mother, and she could never do a horrible thing like that

And If I ever find who did it, I will personly hurt them!!


Whiskey River (4-25-01...9-1-08)


Cowboy (10-28-07....9-1-08)

you will always be in my thoughts and prayers...





  1. Oh, BB!!!

    I can't believe it!

    How on earth could this of happened?!?!?!?!?!

    I am so sorry!

    Did the Police check for any sign of a Vehicle or Foot Prints or even Finger Prints on the Hotdog?

    Oh, I am so sorry for you.

    Do you know of anyone in your city who is really really against Pits?

    Oh, I feel so sorry for you.

    How terrible.

    I hope that you find those lil Freaks that did it.

    If and When you do, please contact Me, Soph and anybody else that you can think of, and we will be to your place in a flash, well, actually not Soph, cuz she kinda lives in the UK, but,she will get there eventually, and we will personally SLIT THOSE FREAKS THROATS!

    How could anybody do such a thing!

  2. Oh, Jess, I am SO sorry. This honestly makes me disgusted with people in general. I lived in a small town for 26 years. Those were some nosey people. My Mam-maw could tell you just about every car that came down the road. If there are people that live anywhere near you, I'd be at their house every day. Are their any strange tire marks, shoe prints, etc? I'd post an add in the newspaper asking for informationn if anyone knows it. Create a new email address just for this purpose. What did the police tell you? The pictures will never ever replace them, but, I'm so glad you have all the wonderful pictures of your 2 boys. I still &#9825 the b&w one of Cowboy. It takes a freakin' sick person to do something like this. I hope they are caught. I will be praying for you!

    Totally disguste................

    HUGS to you.....

  3. I feel your pain. My neighbor killed my beautiful white German Shepherd. I would look to your neighbors if they had any issues with your dogs.

    Sorry for your loss

    I live in a low populated area, in the woods. My neighbor walked a half a mile to do it.  I hope you get the vile beings who did that. I didn't find out who killed my dog until after he moved.

  4. UGH makes me want to VOMIT.

    The things we APBT owners have to endure, just to enjoy our dogs.

    That's a small town, I bet you could start spreading the word, and SOMETHING would come up.

    My car was broken into a few years ago, and the police couldn't figure anything out, I started talking and talking to a bunch of people, and finally someone gave me a hint as to who it was.  The police wouldn't believe me though, as it was considered "hearsay" and my informant didn't want to go to the police herself.  This is in a town of 8000 people.  If you're diligent, I bet you could hear something!

    I'm so sorry, good luck.

  5. That friggin sucks- I don't know, I wish I had a awnser for you- I wish you the best- , Your poor babies, Oh! THat makes me so mad..I heart goes out to u!

  6. I cant think of anything that would cause a dog to die that quick. (or two of them)

    Ok now, if you have the hot dog pieces take them to the police. If you don't have them have the Vet do a necropsy of the dogs. It will tell you what poison was used.

    Good luck.

  7. Jessica, are you serious?

    I'm so, so, so sorry.


    This actually happened to my first Border Collie a few years ago.

    and honestly, the police didn't care less and showed no interest in helping me find out who did it.

    Aren't those your Pits?

    Do you think someone would posion them because they're "vicious"?

    You know how some people are, with their full on passion and hate for Pit Bulls.

    Did your mother not tell you?

    Did she not notice them dead?

  8. Oh Hon I am so sorry.  I hope and pray they find the person that did this and make them pay.  You and your family will be in my thoughts.

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss.  I hope you are able to find out who the horrible excuse for a human being was.  Again, I'm so sorry.

    You and your beautiful boys will be in my prayers.  

  10. 300 people? Some has got to know something. Start talking to everyone and anyone you can. It makes no sense to come all they way out your way to poison your animals unless they were specifically targeting you.

    BB I know you are going to want to bash whoever did this head in, don't sink to their level if you do find out who did it. Hit them where it really hurts, their wallets and their reputation.

    *Shakes head* The just goes to show how stupid and heartless people can be to bully breeds as a whole.

    ADD: Someone was watching your house then. As her if she remembers any vehicles in the area.  Whoever did had to have been around to make sure she was gone before coming onto the property.

  11. I'm so sorry.  Is there anyone you can think of that has a problem with your dogs? Anyone complained if they bark etc?

  12. oh no that is horrible

    let me tell you from experience my neighbor HATES dogs and he captured my other neighborors dog and fed it antifreeze and killed the dog I feel for you he captured my dog and sent it to the humane society about two cities away from mine but we found her

  13. There's no real way of finding out who poisoned your dogs, other than notifying your neighbors that it has occurred (for the safety of their own dogs, as well).

    If anyone with a good heart overhears someone bragging about what they did (believe it or not, it does happen!), they can notify you (and/or the police).

  14. I am so sorry for your loss.

    If your Mother was watching them, then ask her who else was there while you were gone.  Beg her until she tells the truth, b/c I know my mom would hide it b/c I'd go ballistic.

    Also, didn't your Mother notice them dead?  Did she tell you or did you physically see them?

    And I hope that you find that sob.  I would die if Jasmine were to die in that way.

  15. I'm so terribly sorry to hear of your loss. Just a thought, but a few years back there was a rash of such poisonings around my new neighbors old place and come to find out it was two men that went around poisoning the dogs of houses they would later come back and burgle.

    Regardless of the reason, my heart goes out to you and your family at this horrible time.

  16. OMG, I am so very sorry. And I don't blame you, I would hurt them too if I found out who it was. Is there someone in your neighborhood who doesn't like the breed? This breed gets such a bad rap. Did your mother notice anybody coming around, or has any of your neighbors made any kind of suspicious comment? If noting else,I would go door to door asking questions and see if anybody knows anything. You never know, somebody just may have seen or heard somethiing. I am so sorry and I do hope you find out who it was.

  17. Oh God... BB.. I am so, so so, sorry I can't even begin to imagine what you are feeling right now, but we will all be here for you.

    That is a sick, twisted, pure EVIL thing to do, and I hope you find that bas.tard. Does anyone have a grudge agaisnt you? Jelous? Maybe someone you know who doesn't like dogs? Someone with a dislike agaisnt pits? All you can do is make a list and try and figure out who would do that.

    BB... I am truly sorry for you loss hon, if there is anything at all I can do please let me know, this has made me so angry words can't describe how much I feel for you right now.

    >> (As in email) I hope you find that evil little s h i t. When did your mother notice them dead? I hope the police get off their butts and do something about this, it's as bad as killing a human family member!! Chin up girl, we are all right behind you.

  18. I'm so, so sorry that you're going thru this.  I can't even imagine what you're feeling right now.  I know how much all your dogs mean to you and all I can say is I'm so sorry you're going thru this.  Just remember that you're in everybody's thoughts here and in everybody's prayers.  Be strong.

  19. Ask around the neighborhood to see if anyone saw any suspicious people hanging around. Maybe someone saw something.

  20. I'm so sorry BB... ((Hugs))

  21. Jessica - I can't believe your two beautiful boys are gone. I feel terrible learning this today. I'm so sorry for your families loss, and I'm really at a loss for words. :'(

    Edit: With such a small town...someone has to know something. Could you call your local (or closest) news station and have them run a story (they do stories like that here). Maybe it will persuade someone to come forward...maybe offer a reward. I can't imagine having to deal with this. I would be completely heartbroken and not even know how to begin mending if my two were taken from me like this.

    R.I.P. Whiskey River & Cowboy! You boys were so gorgeous...I can't believe you're gone.

  22. im so sorry we too used to live in a 25 acre ranch and one of our dogs was bruttaly killed. the culprit? ground beef with glass mixed in to tear up his insides, we never found out who did it thoough we did suspect our nieghbor who never like our gsd/golden/collie/chow. did you perhaps have any enemies?

  23. find out what was used and go to local sups to find out who got what also what people have used around there lands  

  24. sorry about your dog.and please don't take this the wrong way but the police have a job finding a murderer,burglar or i wouldn't hold out much hope of them finding who poisoned you poor defenceless dog..i have cats of my own and i hate it if anyone armed them,and i would lay down my life for them,and nearly have many a time.

  25. Oh my god! BB I'm so sorry!

    It was probably some Pit hater... just remember, he's got his own reserved spot in h**l.

  26. That is so incredibly sad. It happened to my father years ago..and thank goodness it hasn't happened to me. I imagine it just hurts.

    As for finding the person--any pit bull haters in the area? Does your mom have any clues--any suspicious vehicles in the area? Also, what kind of poison--rat poison, or something that might be harder to obtain?

  27. I'm so sorry BB. I just can't understand who would do such a thing.You had 2 of the finest  APBTs I have ever seen. I truly hope with all my heart and soul that who ever did this to your dogs will burn in the pits of h**l. ((Hugs))  

  28. well think of someone that could have been in your house. maybe your mother really did do it. some people you think you can trust but you can't. i am so sorry though!

  29. Oh my lord I am so sorry for your loss. This that has happend to you has always been one of my biggest fears. There are some neighbors out there that would rather kill something than look at it. I have them around here also. I would persist in finding them and prosecute to the fullest extent. People around here will kill anything that barks, gets into their gardens, poops on lawn, that seems to be the answer today. One guy was throwing poison food over a guys fence trying to kill his dog. he was caught. I cannot imagine going through what you are and I am so sorry and hope you find the son of a ----- that did this. Rest in piece little ones. :) So sorry for your loss. Wonder if the posion was meant for something or someone else and they got it??

  30. I'm so, so sorry for you and your boys ... The sick f*** who did this needs to be found and made to pay a heavy price.

    If there is a local animal rights group where you live, you might try contacting them and asking for help investigating this murder.

    RIP puppies...

  31. I don't know how you can find out but I'm sorry for your loss.

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