
Who would honestly rather live in a different time?

by  |  earlier

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Im talking bout like 1300s where the human population wasent even a billion yet, the days where you could walk around barefoot and not have concrete, where pollution wasent a concern, where you would need to hunt and make a fire to cook and not have an electric stove....i sure would




  1. Hello,,but what about the natural herbal solutions?perhaps some people had a different sense of a good buzz back then,,and stepping in animal f***s was just a warm squishy feeling between your toes.

  2. Actually concrete was around and the pollution came from human waste thrown on the street, have you ever heard of the Black Plague? Things were not so rosy back then either, if you look back in time you find they had a lot more to worry about, the average person was dead by 35, that wasn't so good.

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