
Who would it harm most if drug use, such as heroin, was decriminalised, and could be legally prescribed? ?

by Guest58849  |  earlier

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I think the main ones to suffer would be the illegal drug dealers, everyone else would benefit.

Unless the world is made up of wannabe drug addicts who are just put off by the law.




  1. The users who died of overdoses would not end up very well in this plan.   Heroin and Meth can kill you in case you have been living in a cave the past few years.    Also users high on things like Heroin and Meth are not very productive members of society.

    Edit:   Although you and the answerers below don't want to hear it, legalization would surely lead to more addicts.   Many young people would rationalize it, and think that if it is legal, why not do it.    I think it would also put even more drugs out there available to the public.    I have some experience with this.   One nephew high on drugs died in a murder-suicide, and a niece spent some time in Heroin rehab.   She still is not really a productive member of society.   Also, as a teacher, I have had several former students who have died using drugs.   It's not a pretty picture.

  2. the groups most affected would be 1. the police ... they would have budgets cut as they wouldn't be so busy, 2. the military and DEA would be a lot less busy and also have budgets slashed. 3. the jail system would not need as many prisons or guards and 4. the criminal gangs , dealers, and those who make and grow drugs would be out of business. this would result in billions of money being used for other things so these groups will do what they can to fight the legalization of these things.  

  3. That really shows you the closed-mindedness of this country doesn't it, OP?

  4. drug dealers... they couldnt make money off it.  everyone else would be better off. there would be no gangs fighting over it on the streets. it would be of pure content and the potency would be known so overdoses would be far less. and the tax payers would be saving billions of dollars trying to stop something that cant be stopped.  

  5. Traffickers* and the prison-industrial complex.  

    * the intelligence agencies

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