
Who would knock the props off the top of their car in victory lane?

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Who, after winning a race and getting out of their car in victory lane, would always knock over the sponsor props on top of the car?




  1. They all did it until NASCAR put a stop to it but Jeff(#24) was the first I believe.

  2. Tbone is right. Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson were know for doing that especially with the Powerade bottles.

  3. Jeff Gordon actually got warned by Nascar one time because he did that. The prop was a Coca cola product and Gordon is sponsored by Pepsi. The corporate ruin of racing rears it's ugly head again...

  4. Jeff Gordon has and i think Jimmie Johnson has done that to

  5. it was that johnny pablo montana guy. he hit everything else on the track, so his crew chief told him to do it when he won in may-hee-co and in sonoma. why - because he wanted him to be perfect. ever wonder why he only won at mexican sounding tracks?

  6. Im guessing Gordon since i dont no and just saw what every body else put.

  7. hms drivers were known for it they wwere even fined  

  8. Most guys are worn out after the race and if they make it to victory lane they're probably relieved. I doubt they really pay attention to the props on top of the car. Personally all the sponsor stuff in NASCAR is making me sick. I know a team needs sponsors but does NASCAR have to have an official everything? I can't remember what it says on Combo bags, but it says something about it being an official snack of NASCAR or something. Ridiculous.

  9. Hah! Meek, mild Jeff Gordon? I would have guessed DW or Dale, Sr.  

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