
Who would like a place to vent their twilight grievances? 10 Points!?

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Okay here it is!

I personally love twilight

But I get if you don't.

So whoever complains the most convincingly gets 10 points.

So if you:

-hate twilight

-hate twilight haters

-hate Jacob

-hate Breaking Dawn (or SM for writing it)

-hate BD haters

-hate Edward

-hate Nessie

-hate Bella's annoying tendencies

-hate that there making it into a movie

-hate Robert Pattinson (shun you! jk. you may vent)

-hate anything regarding the twilight/ anti-twilight movement

Please Vent. You can hate on me for asking this question too, though if you want the 10 points you should have something twilight related too

Keep it fun, if you make me laugh, I'm more likely to choose your answer.




  1. It's the absolute worst! Oh my gosh it's like were they drunk or high when it was created? If they were thinking straight, god help us all the need to be checked in somewhere. Bella is the most annoying of them all, and to think she is going to be on the big screen! I can't even express it, it's so stupid.

  2. I hate the dumb freaks who say they hate the twilight saga and haven't read past the title.I hate the people who have read the first book and haven't read the second. I hate any one who disses it! I do love Nessie, but hate that Bella is a friggen mom. I hate Jacob for imprinting on Nessie,and I wish Bella would have ripped his FRIGGIN throat out when she found out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I LOVE the Twilight Saga, and SM for being its creator. And say you rock to all the fans.

  3. ok i loved the first 3 books...

    but breaking dawn was just...bad

    renesmee??? why did bella have to have a child...? thats just weird

    SM said that that was the only way she felt that the book could end... i felt that was defiantly a way the book shouldn't end

    breaking dawn was also just soooooo dragged out..... wat was the point of 200 pages of prepairing for a fight that didnt happen?

    and there was no cullens!!! alice randomly leaves...everyone but rosalie has all of 3 lines..

    i am not pleased with breaking dawn. i dont see how any twilight fan can absoutly love it. i can see how you might think it is decent...but love?

  4. I really don't hate the Twilight books. I don't LIKE them either, because they're not well-written at all. But hey, I like a lot of things that aren't very good. People are allowed to enjoy whatever they want to enjoy. Stephanie Meyer got published to begin with, and has a huge fan following, so she must be doing something right. (see also: OMG EDWARD IS HAWT!!!1)

    The thing that makes me hate the Twilight FANDOM is that I have to look at it every single time I go online.

    "But Pirate Girl!" you say. "Just don't go to sites about Twilight!"

    I DON'T. It doesn't matter what formerly-loved site I visit -- it's full of Twilight fangirls who can't understand why I don't want to listen to them. You don't see me constantly flailing around and talking about, say, Sandman comics, on unrelated forums, now do you? I can forgive Twilight for not being a good book, but I can't forgive it for stalking me to the ends of the internet.

  5. I hate the haters who hate. Not particularly twilight haters, or people who hate the twilight haters. I in fact enjoy reading all of the "hater's"(i've mentioned them before) rants and raves because immaturity can be funny. Have i said the word hate enough?.....hate.

  6. I hate Jacob for being so annoying ,manipulating bella and falling in love with a baby . but I love twilight series

  7. i hate twilight haters! how can you hate twilight? its f*****k i n g amazing!

    and i hate jacob. he's annoying and breaks bellas hand! he's a loser! and he imprints on a fetus. thats just creepy and talk about sexual abuse!

    and i hate bd haters. it was so good! i don't understand how you can hate nessie. i mean c'mon she came from edwards sperm! anything from edward is amazing.

    hehe it feels good to vent =]

    hope i made you laugh!

  8. I don't hate Twilight. You can't hate a book, its inanimate. =.= However, I do dislike Meyers. She has ABSOLUTELY no talent at writing and yet people compare her book to some of the best that have ever been written. Her characters, namely Bella and Edward, are flat as cardboard. There is no character developement whatsoever. Also, they are too perfect to be real. I know Edward is supposed to be a vampire and therefore perfect in terms of physical skills etc. However, both Bella and Edward lack realistic-ness in terms of there character.

    Also, the whole book is angsty. The characters feel sad, happy, love, sorrow. But what about other everyday emotions? Has Bella ever fallen flat in school or got laughed at or anything? She hasn't gone through any such feelings - humiliation, embarrassment etc - that teenagers all go through. She isn't REAL.

    Fake, flat and stiff is how I would discribe it.

  9. Im reading Twilight right now, im in the middle of the book! ITs interesting so far :-)

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