
Who would like to join me in a political makeover of Yahoo...?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to report every answer I see on the politics and government section of Yahoo which has no backbone but is nothing more than a cheap shot. For example, "democrats are uneducated" or "republicans are selfish" etc. You are all making America look bad. Will anyone join me in reporting these uneducated, cheap shots?




  1. No, I won't give them the satisfaction um less they are really nasty.  You are right though, this forum might make you think everyone in America is a radical.

  2. You can do that, but do you want to tilt at that windmill?  I think of this forum as an anonymous place to talk politics and sometimes to talk smack.  It should be done with a sense of humor.  If someone is just a humorless snark, follow this maxim from 17th century English poet George Herbert that I learned way too late in life:  Living well is the best revenge.

  3. I always like to try and disprove their theories by myself then report them, but a change is needed, too much division, United we Stand, Divided we Fall.

    Although some stuff certain parties do frustrates me to no end..

  4. Unless you own a piece of this site, you have no chance in making any kind of a makeover.  You are, in essence, playing in somebody else's back yard, and they have the ball and make the rules.  Most of the really bad bashing comes, I think, from kids who aren't old enough to vote...but are old enough to hate.  At least they sound immature, and I just try to ignore them.   The really ugly questions, or answers, coming from 'mature' people indicates they are a bunch of shallow-thinking sheep anyway.

  5. I'd like to, but I feel like I've already lost influence trying to do that in the past. I don't want to s***w up what influence I have left.

  6. Errrrrrrrrrrrr, It's sad ,but true that

    the First Amendement protects "cheap shots".

    Do you plan to change that?

  7. Reporting them does nothing. Remember Shiraz? He was posting profiles from 2006 through nearly 2008. Dr. Feelgood? 2007 to 2008. All you can do is use logic against them and hope they learn something.

  8. Right, I saw a posting here braging that they have had 37 accounts for getting booted since jan. Why waste your time ok?

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