
Who would like to predict the AFL winner this year and why?

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Who would like to predict the AFL winner this year and why?




  1. Geelong is my prediction (and im a Collingwood supporter so thats saying something!!!).

    I was just watching the Cats thrash Melbourne in the NAB cup game today - they look mighty good!!

  2. I'll go out on a limb here and say the Western Bulldogs..  Showed so much potential last season but fell in a big heap and the end of the season

  3. once again the cats after last year they looked 2 years ahead of the compettion (im a tiger supporter) they owe their fans a bit o sustained success and they have got the players to do that

  4. Geelong are a great chance to go back to back, especially if they can avoid injuries to key players. They didn't get off to that great a start on the injury front with Gary Ablett Jnr., injuring his calf.

    Other than the Cats, the only teams with a legitimate chance would be Hawthorn, especially if Buddy Franklin fires and gets support from the returning Mark Williams, and Port Adelaide, provided last years Grand Final didn't mess too much with their confidence.

  5. I would like to say Melbourne, but I would be deluding myself, instead I'll say Geelong again.

    They call me Brooooce, if your going to ask questions then open it up to all comers.


    i saw what they did last year

  7. Collingwood because they have all these new and fit players coming through, even though Nathan Buckley is gone they still have a good chance of winning. They haven't won a grand final for ages so it would be nice if they won one again this year!

    MAGPIES IN 08'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  8. i reckon hawthorn football club will win the preimership this year because we have a very mature group of players and great captain

  9. Saint kilda saints. I thing it's there time and thay got the player's to do it

  10. Gelong after what i saw today

  11. I think Geelong will win....cos they were far ahead of the rest of the comp...

    But id like to say West Coast =]

  12. Hawthorn, Because i said so.

  13. SYDNEY SWANS!!!!!

    cos ever since they got paul roos for a coach they've played awsome n i rekon its their year again, plus they have the best ruck in the competition!!!!

  14. Geelong would have to be odds on favourite, basically an almost untouched team from last season. They certainately are the best team, as for winning the flag.....It can be done.

  15. The mighty Cats are favourites but every year throws up a surprise.

    Hawthorn or Magpies would be no huge surprise.  I think the most likely surprises on what we've seen so far (which doesn't count for much) are Carlton, Adelaide and Essendon.  Often these improving teams make the eight just to fade out (a la Norta Melbourne).  Of them to go all the way ... Adelaide's the only one with the real goods.

  16. I'd have to say West Coast,,

    especially after their performances the past few years,,

    even though Cousins isn't there they have the potential to win,,

    and if not them then Collingwood,, they came so close last yr,, they can do it again

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