
Who would love to meet Laura Robson??

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greg p if ur telling the truth ur a legend

and give it 2 me if u get it ;) haha

if ur lying well...




  1. Yeh cos shes so bubbly and good looking.

    I would really like to play mixed doubles with her.

    though it may be hard to focus on the tennis.

  2. I couldn't care less

  3. haha I would love to play some tennis with her.


    that kiddo.

  4. I can't think I'd have too much in common with her, to be hones, but my youngest daughter would.

  5. She rocks my Dad saw her Match he is a Photographer and his picture of her was in the newspaper!I love tennis would love to play her one day :).

  6. i know i'd  like to meet her lol shes just gorgeus id love to have a game with her and i wish she had the time to look at this but shes probably busy training shame cos shes a lovely girl.

    By the way stephen l im 13 so its not really perverted if your the same age.

  7. i live in scotland but i have met here be4 because my mum is her mums friend and i love tennis and i had a game against her at giffnock tennis club and obviously she beat me but i was happy because i got a few games against her. unfortunately i didnt get to meet her during wimbledon but i am hopefully going to see her soon but my computer crashed and now i dont have her e-mail.

  8. she's 14 ya bunch of pervs ..............

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