
Who would make a better tag team Undertaker and Batista or Matt and Jeff Hardy???

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Who would make a better tag team Undertaker and Batista or Matt and Jeff Hardy???




  1. Matt and Jeff because both Batista and the Undertaker have huge ego's, they'd both rather get the pin. And neither one of them like taking orders.

  2. There is no way in h**l Matt and Jeff Hardy could beat a combined weight of almost 700 pounds in Batista and Undertaker...I just don't think the Hardy's have anything in their arsenal to stop that combination...

    But then again Ted Dibiase Jr and Cody Rhodes beat Batista and John Cena for the tag belts so I guess anything is possible...

  3. 'Taker and Batista!



  4. The Hardy Boyz

  5. matt and jeff

  6. Hardy Boyz would have better cooperation and teamwork effort. Taker and Batista are bigger and stronger. I would go with Hardyz because there teamwork effort would really help and they wouldn't argue unlike Taker and Batista.

  7. The Hardyz they have tagged together more than Undertaker and Batista and have won tag gold with each other

  8. Matt and Jeff Hardy. They can't even compare to them.

  9. Matt & jeff hardy! They're brothers, and they understand eachother. They're compatible, and obviously get along with eachother.

  10. Undertaker and Batista considering they both got along.

  11. The Hardys. They've been a tag team for years. They have chemistry and communication. They have tag moves. Batista and Undertaker are more suited for singles action.

  12. 'Taker and Batista because they're bigger and stronger.

  13. Tough one, but i think the Hardy'z are better. =)

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