
Who would make the best vice-president on both sides of the ticket?

by Guest58621  |  earlier

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Who would make the best vice-president on both sides of the ticket?




  1. Hilary - the cheshire cat

    Obama - MLK's corpse??

    Romney - Ronald Reagan's body??

    Mccain - the guy from mcdonalds.

    I don't like any of the candidates. can you tell??

  2. None of them are fit for this role let alone president, except this one guy.

  3. Democrat..Edwards, because he can only settle for that role alone now.

    Republican...Who cares since they are not going to be in the White House this time around anyway!!!


  5. it should be clinton for president and obama for vice president

  6. Republican - Condi Rice

    Democrat - William Hung

  7. dem- bill richardson

    rep- does it really matter?

  8. Democrats=Bill Richardson or if John Edwards would be willing. Edwards would be great in a cabinet position if he said no to the vice president position.

    Republicans= If McCain turns out to be the winner in the primaries then a bit more conservative type would be smart for vice pres. I'm not certain who would be a great match though at this point for him. I like Elizabeth Dole. Its time for a intelligent female to be on the ticket for republicans.

  9. ron paul

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