
Who would rather have Miltary supremecy than Healthcare and free College?

by Guest67118  |  earlier

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Currently the US spends more money on the Military than the next 15 countries combined. Since we have a socialized military system, fire, police, primary education and socialized losses for corporations like F.Mae, FMac and Exxon. Keeping in mind that 63% of teh US corps paid no taxes last year ( includeing many pharma, health mng group) Would you like to see your taxes benefit you and your children or continue funding the military? 2.2 million Americans file for bankruptsy a year due to medical.




  1. The top 2% of income earners in the US pay over 50% of all taxes, which includes corporations.  There is no "right" to education or healthcare, these are items of personal responsibility.  We do not have a "socialized" military, we have a military funded by the government because it is set out this way in the constitution.  We spend more money because those other countries do not have as many troops committed to the cause of worldwide freedom as do we.  Medical costs could readily be contained by getting rid of frivolous medical lawsuits and out of sight malpractice insurance rates.  There is virtually no person in the US who cannot get necessary medical care, right now when they need it, which is something you cannot say about any other country.  No one is turned away from critical care just because they cannot pay.  Of the so-called "millions of uninsured" the vast majority have made the decision not to have coverage because they don't think they need it.  And many others have not even signed up for available government supported medical insurance cause they are just lazy.

    The short answer is "Yes".

  2. Yeah, I would love a multi-billion dollar highly technologically advanced military, with state of the art weapons, defense shield, at 10 story wall around the entire United States....all to defend a country where millions of people have no health insurance and our 1 accident/major illness away from bankruptcy, with a terrible public education system.

    Atleast that's the Republicans' motto, "Protect the nation, but **** the people in it"

  3. You seemed to have confused the function of the Fed Gov't with that of the individual. The Federal Gov't was charged by the States with the authority to defend the country. It is in the constituiton.

    Your health care and education is your responsibility, not the taxpayers.

  4. Healthcare for your children is important, but don't forget who protects you and your children from the Bin Ladens of the world.

  5. Military Supremacy, because if we don't have a strong military then our enemies would come destroy our health care system.

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