
Who would stand with me ?

by  |  earlier

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I believe in people but why are we living like this. We kill each other to live and we take what we don't need and waste what we need to live. We watch are family steal, kill and die. For what ? the leader's. They say jump and we say how high. We are the people we have the power we run there country's we are there army.

I want to start a new way.

Some will call it communist some will call me a fascist.

But I believe all people are the same no matter of there color, religion, no matter how much money they have or where they live.

I will give my live for this belief.

And when it is time I will stand up.

Who will stand with me.




  1. If you are a very Charismatic leader, I will say that there will definitely be people who will stand with you, just as there have been followers in many different cults and compounds. I would look for people who are both disillusioned with the government and aren't very well educated. That has been the main group that successful revolts tap. Be sure to find a few well-educated people too, to act as your "lieutenants", Due to the fact that communistic societies end up only benefiting the poorest 1/4 of the population and the people in charge of the society, don't expect the educated people to stand with you out of idealism. They will most likely be hypocrites to your cause, knowing that the only place they would WANT in a society where intellectual skill isn't a prized commodity would be in the leadership role.

    If you want a different target group, you will have to change your plans. Keep in mind that Small Business Owners are what develop the economy, and they become small business owners with the intent in improving their situation, and they always have to have something extra in their personality that brings them to that level, and that something extra is never appreciated in societies where total equality is enforced.

    Sure, allowing everyone to have the same basic opportunities is great, but I have never seen a society such as you describe be able to provide a better initial footing to all people then what the United States of America currently offers. Some countries do even better, but all are subject to the whims of the masses, which without significant "behavioral ethnic cleansing", you can't get rid of, and to do such an act would require a mindset that would put you in amongst the group that needed to be cleansed. Nice, tidy, vicious cycle.

    So who will stand with you? Only the people who you can convince to do so. Remember, a word is cheap, actions are precious.

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