
Who would u consider the as the future of the franchise Rudy g*y or Brandon Roy and why?

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i honestly say rudy g*y cuz i like him better than roy but roy is an outstanding scorer.




  1. roy because he has already shown his star potential

  2. roy because hes a floor general

  3. i would go with both, but if i had a choice, i would go with roy.


  4. i would go with roy, hes a better all around player than g*y.

    i dont know if both will even end up being the future of their franchise, depending on the growth of oden, bayless, and mayo.

  5. Brandon Roy because he has already shown his has some true skills...

  6. Come on .................Brandon Roy for sure

  7. both

  8. ROy has more expierience now, and leadership and g*y doesnt. why did the blazers go 41-41, and the grizzlies went 20-60. do the math

  9. I believe that Rudy g*y has the make-up to be a better player overall than Roy, becuz he is more athletic, he is better defensivly, and he has a better all around game, but he is to inconsistant, Rudy g*y doesn't show up to every game to w/ the same energy.  But neither does Roy, but he has a better cast around him, so that when he isn't scorin, but is a playmaker, he has the better teamates to make him look better.  And if g*y gets beter teamates, i think He'll fall back into their shadow (Mayo).

  10. Sorry, but the future of the franchise is Greg Oden.  g*y and Roy are nothing if Oden doesn't develop.

  11. Brandon Roy.  Rudy g*y has great upside but Roy is a do it all player.  He also is an excellent passer and ball handler.

  12. ruby g*y cuz he is younger then Roy, so he'll get better along the  way but both are pretty good.

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