
Who would u take from this point to the end of the season? Pedroia, dye, manny ramirez, or mclouth?

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i'm already in first in my points league and dont really need anything in particular




  1. Manny. He's the best out of all of those in terms of run production.

  2. Obviously PEDROIA!!!!

    The guy is not on fire....he is ENFWAYGO as your boy Dan Patrick used to say!!!

    I havent seen a pure hitter this locked in ever. Dont be surprised if he wins the batting title. He killed it in the second half last year and Fenway is the perfect hitters park for him, look at what Wade Boggs and Teddy Ballgame did in that park. Dye is good little ball player but if you look at his career, he gets hurt far too often. McClouth I have on my team and he is inconsistent and has had many down streaks and his team blows which hurts runscored and RBI opps along with rumors of Nady or Bay getting traded will hurt his value if that happens. Manny is the Manny but he also is getting older and will get opportunities to rest if the Red Sox keep winning, dye will also rest alot in the coming weeks to prepare for playoffs. Pedroia plays 2B and is young and will be asked to carry the team late in the year as you go down the stretch.

    Good luck and win that league!!!!

  3. Manny

  4. Pedroia because hes very good and becuase there aren't many great 2nd basemens in the leauge. There are good ones but this kid is terrific. And his stellar defense will just boost his confidence which is great for his offense. Hes a very cocky player and thats good.

    During a game in Toronto, Greg Zaun told him "We've been trying to find a way to get you out". Pedroia responded, "So has the rest of the league". That is just an example of how he plays his game.

    And not only because I am a Red Sox fan, because Manny Ramirez is my favorite player even when he was with the Indians. So afterall this, I'd say Dustin.

  5. I would take Pedroia only because out of those other guys he will not go into a slump. He will be consitent and do the things to win ball games. Pedroia has very good contact hitter with a bit of power. Rarely strikes out. Has great overall instincts and is a strong fielder with some versatility position-wise. Dye lacks plate discipline or clutch ability makes him an inconsistent run producer. Very streaky from year to year. Nagging injuries are always an issue. Ramirez doesn't seem to put a lot of effort into anything other than hitting. If he has any speed left he doesn't use it in the field or on the bases. McLouth is still lacking in terms of plate discipline against big-league pitchers. Struggles with runners in scoring position and lacks overall consistency.

  6. Dye

  7. All of the above? Why would you get rid of any of those guys? But I would rank them:





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