
Who would usually win in a street fight: a man or a woman?

by  |  earlier

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If there were no rules at all who do you think has the advantage?




  1. Obviously you have no experience with women, as they can be very vicous. Get out of mom and dad's basement and quit asking dumb questions and you may actually meet some women.

  2. The man, but also would depend upon the size and strength of the individuals.

  3. thats not fair man, i would feel less of a man if i hit a girl, ur an idiot

  4. More likely a man but as you said there are no rules so anything can happen.

    Maybe there was a glass bottle on the ground and the woman starts smashing it across the man's head before stabbing him with the glass shards.

    Or maybe it will turn out the other way round with the man smashing and stabbing the woman with a glass bottle.

  5. go suck a d***!!!!!

  6. men are usually strong than women, so we have a few advantages. For a woman to win, she need to be more skillful and train herself to be much stronger. A trained martial artist can increase their power up to  3 or 5 times their initial power.

  7. thats like asking who would win between a blind guy and Kimbo Slice

  8. yes he is physicaly stronger, but the outcome depends on the persons ability to fight, in addition a man has a BIG disadvantage, im talking about this balls :P

  9. you are a clam

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