
Who would want my tooth with a gold filling in?

by Guest32236  |  earlier

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If I had to get my tooth removed I would wanna keep the tooth as it cost me over £100 to have the gold filling put in. Who would want it? How would I rid of it?




  1. Yes,  you could sell the gold to a gold recycling company,  but it may not be as much as you think.     Most gold filled teeth will probably only contain between $20-$40 worth of gold at the most,  but it never hurts to get an estimate and find out.

    The dentist should know companies you can contact,  otherwise the internet should show you many companies who buy spare gold as well.

  2. Hello, The fact is the Gold filing does have value,,,but not anywhere the value you may think it does....Dental fees in the US, as in most countries, are marked up 500% to 1000%...Example, a full GOLD Crown from the Dental Lab cost the dentist an average of $75.00 to $125.00 and he then sells it to the patient for between &950.00 to $1500.00...and it has nothing to do with the actual value of the Gold. The average Gold crown will have about $30 to $ 50 in actiual gold in it....When you compare the size of  Full Crown to the size of a "Filing" can see what the value might be and understand you will get the "Wholesale" refinning value if you send it to a scrap gold refinning company....And in this case my dear, Size does matter....Any Dental Lab or Dental Supply Company can give you the address of a gold refinning company. Both will be listed in your phone book. Good luck and I wish you well.

  3. You should be able to sell the gold that is in the tooth.  Ask your dentist about who buys dental gold.  Not sure how much you would get for just one tooth...but it is worth a shot.  :)

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