
Who would win a fight - Ares or Thor?

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The Ram versus the Goat.

Thor's got his bad-*** hammer, that magic belt that makes him superstrong etc.

Ares (through Mars) has a whole fricking planet to smash round Thor's head.

As long as he doesn't try and do it on Thursday though.




  1. Ares

  2. Ares got his rear kicked by Xena one time, but I'm sure she could never take Thor.

    So - Thor.

  3. Thor

  4. Thor defo but if there was no weapons involved it would be close

  5. Thor. He's got a big hammer and lightning bolts, Ares just has rage and s*x with his sister.

  6. id put my money on the big hairy brute with the hammer

  7. Rams are pretty tough.  

  8. Thor, because he has a big hammer.

  9. Athene beat Ares in the "Iliad', and so did Diomed with her help. Diomed drove his mortal spear into Ares' immortal abdomen and drove him out of the battle. When Zeus allowed the gods to again take part in the war, Ares struck Athene with his spear. She wore the invulnerable Aegis, so she was not hurt. She tore the top off a hill and threw it knocking Ares down. He covered 7 acres of ground as he lay there unconscious. The twin giants Otus and Ephiates beat Ares and put him in a jar. Such a coward as Ares stands no chance against the mighty Thor who beat much bigger and stronger beings than Ares. Thor would have smashed both Otus and Ephialtes with one blow of Miolnor, but Ares could not beat the might twins who were 54 feet tall apiece. I figure they weighed about 73 tons each. Thor beat a giant 9 miles high.

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