
Who would win a fight between Fedor Emelianenko and bruce lee?

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what about Fedor Emelianenko and gene lebell? because gene lebell beat bruce lee 3 times in well documented fights. so gene would trash Fedor Emelianenko?




  1. Fedor is the best fighter on the planet and outweighed bruce by 100 pounds, if Bruce walked away from the fight id call it a victory for him... No chance he defeats fedor.  Plus hes dead

  2. hay man mr joe, im gona call you jo k, ok jo jo jo it would be bruce as lee dont even ask this question jo jo jo jo jo

  3. Apart from dying, Bruce Lee was perfection.

    indeed, no contest.

  4. hahaha! wow, i never thought of putting them in a fight together, thats a tough one to call, if it was a streetfight i would go with bruce lee, and if it was an open weight mma cage match i would go fedor

  5. bruce lee no contest

  6. It would depend on what were the terms of the fight scenario.  If it was based on today's MMA rules, Fedor would likely win.  However, Bruce never trained for competition.  He had no interest in it.  He trained only for real world combat where there are no rules-- truly no holds barred.  He even admitted that competition rules would put a fighter of his small stature at a disadvantage.  He believed that by definition, competition rules make the fighting experience truly unrealistic, unlike the fighting in the gang-infested streets of Hong Kong where Bruce grew up fighting with gangs on building rooftops.

    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said in an interview that Bruce took him around the streets of Hong Kong where the gangs hung out.  Kareem said that the Hong Kong gangs made the East L.A. gangs look like Mickey Mouse.

    So this was the kind of fighting that Bruce trained for.  He trained every single small and large muscle in his body for peak streetfighting performance.  Two-finger push-ups, one-finger pull-ups, one-inch punches, flag sit-ups, V sit-ups, and just about anything else that an Olympic gymnast can do.  In addition, Bruce trained for speed-- we're talking blinding speed.  Walley Jay, the founder of "small circle" jujitsu, said that he would easily lose in a street fight against Bruce, 'cuz Walley stated Bruce was just too fast to catch and grapple.  Bruce's power went way beyond his body size.  During the fight scene against Bob Wall in "Enter the Dragon", Bruce kicked Bob Wall so hard that the velocity that flung Bob back actually broke the arm of one of the extras standing behind Bob.  Walley Jay witnessed Bruce doing a sidekick on a 100-pound hanging punching bag, causing it to swing so high it hit the ceiling before it broke clean off the chain.  Karate legend and World Kickboxing Heavyweight Champion Joe Lewis also stated Bruce had the power of a heavyweight.

    All this said, with Bruce's combination of power, speed, conditioning and reflexes, along with his experience with fighting in the roughest streets of Hong Kong, I'd have to give Bruce the nod over Fedor in an all out, no holds barred streetfight.

  7. Lee would win a point sparring match, but Fedor would destroy him in an mma match or a street fight.  Fedor is a real fighter who has fought and beaten the toughest men alive.  Bruce Lee was an ACTOR!  Yes, he was a good martial artist, fast, and strong for his size, but he never competed in anything like a modern mma fight.  I don't think he even did much kickboxing or full contact karate.  He worked out a lot so he would look good on camera, but he didn't spar with the caliber of partners that Fedor has, and he didn't even come close to the realistic full-contact training and matches that modern mma fighters do on a regular basis.  

    Not only would Bruce Lee lose to Fedor, the best heavyweight alive, he would also lose to the champions in every weight class, including Faber at 145!  

    Why do so many people think the martial arts peaked with Bruce Lee in the 1970s?  Look at any other sport, from running to basketball to weightlifting, and you will see that none of the records from the 1970s still stand!  The best athletes from the 70's would all be bench warmers today!  Why do you all think martial arts is the only sport that has not advanced in 40 years!?!

  8. Bruce lee was and still is the best fighter known, he would never turn down a match if someone challenged him. People went to very great lengths to train with him, I think it was 1000 a session, USD? Something like that, it was a lot of money anyway. Bruce Lee would win ether way. He conditioned his body the way Iron shirt practitioners do, he did strength training, boxing, Wushu, he even made Jeet Kune Do. There is absolutely no chance the MMA guy, or who ever it was would win. I respect MMA, I am a mixed martial artist myself, but to ask if the king of martial arts, he is the Elvis to martial arts, to ask if he would lose against someone that does not have nearly as much time or experience in  training, well, I think you get the point my friend.

  9. I know everyone wants to keep the mystique of Bruce Lee alive by saying he would beat the best heavyweight mma fighter in the world, but the reality is that he wouldn't.  Honestly, why even make it against Fedor.  I would put all my money on BJ Penn against Bruce Lee as well.  The reality is, Bruce Lee conceptualized mma before mma even existed.  He would have loved to compete in today's mma which is why he was so revolutionary with integrating many different styles.  However, the progession of the game is such that people have evolved to insane standards.  While Bruce was amazing in his own right and something to marvel at, to think he would beat Fedor in a fight is insane.  Bruce Lee deserves all the respect in the world, but lets be realistic.

  10. Bruce hands down

    his speed is tremendous.

    his strength is supernatural

    a 1 inch punch= 500 lbs. of pressure, a full blast would destroy bones

    his kicks. = devestating

  11. There's no record that they fought, Bruce Lee and Gene LeBell.  They were friends and they trained together but nothing saying they fought.

    Bruce Lee was a superb athlete.  There hasn't been enough fights to gauge where he stood in competition.  I think he fought just enough to showcase his ability.  He was in excellent condition, extremely fast and strong.

    Then there is Fedor.  You can see where he stands in comptetition.  His major strength lies in grappling.  Something that Bruce was learning.  If they fought today, Bruce Lee in his prime vs Fedor now, Fedor would win.  The fight would go to the ground and Fedor would take over.  

    But given the opportunity for Bruce to continue his training, who knows.  Sadly, it's something no one will ever know.  It's better to focus on what's out there today and not these fantasy matches.

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