
Who would win a war between Great Britain V USA?

by Guest63630  |  earlier

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Britain has an excellent history of defending itself and winning major wars, and without outside interference and nukes who would win a war between these two nations.

The scenario for victory can be for the yanks to capture the UK and make her majestys government surrender and vice versa for the Brits to capture the USA and make the white house surrender




  1. sorry kid have to break it down to you! U.S.

  2. i thought the days of silly questions were long gone,clearly reading this one their not and i would point out that this question has been beaten to death on this site.

  3. well i dont want to be mean but if the two go to war, USA would win.

  4. USA

  5. i doubt either country could win, the US would fail if they tried to invade purely because their carriers could be sunk be subs and unlike everyone else the USA has fought in the past 50 years, britain actually has a decent air force. man for man britain has the best trained armed forces in the world (israel, germany and canada probably second). the amount of nukes we have is irrelevant, it doesnt matter that the UK only has around 300 nukes because frankly thats more than enough to take out the USA. the EU may help out britain as well, in which case the USA would be in trouble.

  6. USA

    not trying to be mean but what does GB have now?

  7. No one

  8. great britain - the only war that the USA have won was there own civil war, (and that was a stupid war! )Was it not? Their war of independence was not won, the british just decided to give the USA some freedom, as they all thought that the USA  would all start whining to much if they didnt get their own wayI they got their freedom and are still moaning and complaining! The british would flog the USA.  

  9. Le Vicster

    Maybe you should brush up on true history rather than rubbish which was written or influenced by cranks like Charles Hingham who is responsible for a lot of Hollywood tripe which most Americans believe! which in turn gives the rest of the world the impression that the USA is full of delusional brainwashed halfwits.

    Ask anyone on any street outside of America and the first response to the mention of Americans` is idiots

  10. Why are so many morons parading the War of 1812 about as if it were an American victory? I'll break it down for you:

    - Americans are upset with British trade blockade with France and the conscription of American sailors in the Royal Navy

    - The Americans respond by invading Canada, thinking they can march across the provinces

    - The invasion of Canada fails, and the invaders are mopped up by both British and French-Canadian militia. NOTE - This is the second time Americans have failed to defeat Canada

    - The Americans are chased across the border, and the arrival of regular British forces ensures that the war is fought on American soil

    - The Treaty of Ghent is written, which favors no side, declares no victors and restores everything to the way it was. Britain focuses on the war against France, the Americans appreciate that their lands are no longer being torched

    - The British win the last battle of the war, the assault on Fort Bowyer. Not New Orleans, as many deluded schoolchildren are taught


    Man for man, the British are the better trained and equipped force. They haven't the numbers to take Washington, but their evident power and abilities assure that an invasion of the Isles would be a costly and pointless endeavour indeed.

  11. before all the revolution nuts star shouting out 1812, I'd like to point out that we are far stronger from then, and also we have the worlds best pilots and special forces, the special forces that help train the US special forces.

    Britain may be the size of one of your states, but it's 50 times more powerful.

  12. Let's see......Great Britain is the size of Alabama.  I think the US could lock that baby up pretty quick.  

  13. US would won, but it would be a costy battle. Good luck.  

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