
Who would win if Cthulhu slugged it out with Satan?

by Guest65954  |  earlier

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Mind, neither gets to be playing dirty tricks with minions, although given their natures, I suppose it might be asking way too much of them.




  1. the answer is simple. it' like saying. if you took all the Gods of all religions who would win. answer 'your God' but you are asking about Satan and his record is 'one loss no wins'.still, i think any one short of God himself he would win.

  2. Hollywood

    Then wait for sequel....

  3. I heard that Cthulhu has a pretty mean right hook.

  4. Cthulhu. :) Tentacles always win.  

  5. I don't see what power satan would have over cthulu

  6. why?

  7. who is Cthul--what's his face?

  8. Neither god would win

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