
Who would win in a Fist Fight a Marine or a Green Beret

by  |  earlier

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Which one would beat the **** out of the other one?




  1. Had  yours beat by both, huh? Too bad... and to answer the question, neither, we actually get along, mostly... sorry bout that.

  2. They'd join forces and kick YOUR (__!__)  !

  3. How about the marine and the green beret take you on?

    What kind of question is that? Grow up.

  4. Neither one. Because they're drinking buddies

  5. Chuck Norris, of course.

  6. You are stupid.

  7. Lame question dude...

  8. me

  9. They would both win.

  10. They would both explode into dust from the power of each others punches.

  11. green beret

  12. That would depend on which one really wanted or needed to win.


  13. One: You're an idiot.

    Two: Just because someone is a Marine or Green Beret, doesn't mean they're better, it's all about the man.

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