
Who would win in a cage fight Fielder or Parra

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Do you think the altercation (hate to use the word fight when Parra just "took it") between Prince Fielder & Manny Parra will be.....

A.) a distraction to the team

B.) the nail in the immature Brewers coffin

C.) or will it spark the team like it did the Cubs last season in Zambrano vs Barrett

AND: Should Fielder be in the Brewers line-up this evening?

I'm concerned he may have Mad Lettuce Disease




  1. C'mon, this one's not even close.  Fielder could SIT on him.

    C, obviously

    Yes, he should be in the lineup.  He's been on fire lately, and he was already getting a bit emotional before he attacked Parra.  Plus, we don't even know why they were fighting in the first place.

  2. C.) This is a wake-up call they need to kik some @$$ soon

    Fielder shouldn't be in the line-up, he needs to cool down and eat so carrots so he can see the ball

    And he does have MLD, it was cured though when he took out all his anger on Parra

    And Fielder would just sit on Parra in a cage fight. Did you see the scared little face on Parra in the replay.

  3. I hope its A.

    It will be ok because Fielder did not make Parra get stitches like Big Z mad Barrett LOL

  4. First to your original question Prince would push him twice and then just eat him!

    To your second question

    A.) If it was a closer team Then i would say C

    To your third question

    No that should be 1 of two parts of his punishment, part 2 is fining him

  5. I certainly hope it's "C:.

  6. Fielder would kick MannyParra's @ss simple as that i think it will fire the team yup  

  7. who cares!? fielder is a dumb *** to pull that c**p while the team is in a hunt for the playoffs

  8. Fielder

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