
Who would win in a fictional war between the UK and Germany today?

by Guest33962  |  earlier

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Who would win in a fictional war between the UK and Germany today?




  1. The UK

    Because they have the USA on their side.

    You really think the USA would sit by while German bombers head to London AGAIN?

    Been there done that....

  2. The Germans have the Lutwaffe and the SS. Germany can pawn UK anytime it wants to.

  3. The Uk no questions about it!

  4. I don't think there would be any winner, it would be a blood bath.

    Some people never learn, a bit of a silly question, look how many people died in the last war.

  5. The UK!

  6. The UK. We have nuclear weapons.

    If it was a conventional war then Germany, their military is much larger - although in reality nobody would win, because it would lead to the destruction of both our countries.

  7. UK not only does the uk have more experience in modern warfare, it also has nuclear weapons and MOST importantly a seat on the un security council.

  8. The UK  

  9. Tough call, UK has the bigger, better navy, Germany has the bigger army and tank corps. Both have very good air forces, it would be a close fight.

    I'd say the only winner would be France, having both it's historic rivals weakened or destroyed.

  10. While the UK could disrupt troop operations and staging areas on the French mainland and have detailed intelligence of the German forces (SAS can and probably would do this in a fictional situation), German Forces could overwhelm the English forces on the coastline (Civilians in populace so Nukes are out of the question for both sides), the RAF have the ability to carpet bomb any invasion forces that try to invade via a beachhead, and small airborne units would most definetly be weeded out by UK army, however the Luftwaffe could mount precision strikes against English Forces and weaken them, the war would almost certainly turn into a war of attrition, with both sides bringing in Allies, however assuming the war is between UK and Germany only, UK still has the power to bring in offshore resources as they did in WWII, however both sides would rely on manpower as an early strike on the British mainland could result in a counterattack by the British, forcing the Germans away from Calais, preventing any seaborne invasion. However the UK will most likely follow a similar series of events as they did in WWII, and wear down the Luftwaffe, as control of the skies is essential for a seaborne invasion, which is most definetly on Germany's cards, however the UK may lose out in an attrition war due to its relative isolation, but assuming both countries do not use imported resources both sides will be willing to conserve their forces. But an attrition war would force the UK to mount an early attack on Calais and other French/German strongholds on the coast. While Britain has a dense and determined populace, France has no reason to be played into the Germans hands again, and is quite vast, and as such Airborne and SAS units stand a better chance of pulling off a counterattack to a German invasion, and preventing German invasion in the longterm, so the UK would win by a small margin

  11. Germany is not properly armed,due to it's past.If it decided to arm themselves in the way that Britain has,than the Germans would give us a right hiding,as they have superb discipline,organisation and hardware and of course 90 million people.

    We are like the American military,lacking focus and looking for drugs and a good time.

    However the British spirit is still there and that dogged determination might still prevail.But our government would not provide the right equipment etc as in problems of Iraq and Afghan.Germany could still if they armed themselves defeat anyone except the other side of the pond

  12. France

  13. Why even think of a fictional war, I should think the whole idea is absolutely stupid.

  14. The UK.

    Though both countries are evenly matched in the air, germany has more land forces, but the UK has a better navy. The UK also has nukes.

    However, America would come to the UK's aid and kick those krauts' asses.

    Good question, much better than the usual US vs UK ones.

    the book "the cauldron" has a similar scenario (but france and germany team up)

  15. Germany, they are much better liked in Europe then Brits

    Who cares if USA joins, USA are losing there power so fast, they definatly do not have the resources to fight another war.

  16. NATO (meaning the US) would win.  It would decisively beat NATO (meaning the US) to claim that victory.

    Dude, they are both in NATO, both in the ECC/EU and have 70 years of good relations and cooperation -- no reason for war.

    The UK has a slight advantage in that they have not totally abandoned staffing their own armed forces in favor of letting NATO (meaning the US) do all their fighting.  But it isn't much of one, Germany has enough to make it hurt.

  17. Land war in Europe would be the Germans but the Germans could not invade and conquer the UK so would be a stand off again as it was for a large part of WW2 in Europe.  This assumes no other countries involved and no nuclear or other WMD's sued; if Britain went to nukes then they would win.

  18. The international bankers who fund both sides of all wars!

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